Chapter 7: It's been an interesting day

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Noah's P.O.V

Why does Sierra want me to take her to the police station? This is what I asked myself as I got ready to go pick her up. "Mom, I'm going to go pick up a friend to take them somewhere. So, I'll need the car." I told my mom as I walked out of my room. "Where are you taking him?" "It's actually a girl..." I say, not wanting to tell her where I'm taking Sierra. "Oh... So, is this a date?" She asked. "Um... Sure." I said, deciding to lie and not tell her. "Oh. Well, why didn't you just say so? What's this girl's name? Will I get to meet her? How old is she? Is she pretty?" "Um... Her name is Sierra. And I don't know, mom. Maybe. I think that she's either 15 or 16. I'm not really sure. But she's around my age. And yes. She is pretty. Beautiful even. But I've got to go. I don't want to be late. Love you." I tell her, leaving the house. Yes, I will admit that I have a small crush on Sierra. I mean, who wouldn't? She's gorgeous. The blue hair really compliments her blue eyes. And her taste in music? That just makes it even better. "Noah. You forgot the keys." My mom yelled out the door. "Oops." I say, running to get them. I say goodbye to my mother and take the keys. I then run to the silver car. I hop in and start it. I then pull out of the driveway and drive to the mall. When I get there, Sierra is standing outside waiting for me. I stop the car and she gets in. "Hey." I say. "Hi." She replies. "So, why am I driving you to the police station?" "Well... I've been in the hospital for about a month now. The reason is because my father tried to kill me. He almost succeeded. But I was still alive when he called for an ambulance. He was hoping that I would be dead. When he found out that I lived, he blamed it on my best friend. He blamed it on her so that he could finish trying to kill me. He finally got to take me out today. He gave me $200, which is unusual. He usually spends his money on alcohol and drugs. And so I spent it at Hot Topic, which is where I met you. After you left, I went to go find him. When I found him, we were about to leave. But I decided to put the plan that Rose and I made into action. You see, she would call me when I was at the hospital. And we made a plan to show that my father wasn't innocent and that Rose was. The plan that we made was for me to make my father mad in public. And it worked. He got mad and slapped me. And then he said some things before beating me some more. And so the security guards at the mall arrested him. And I need to go to the police station to make sure that they know that he's the one who tried to kill me. And hopefully, they'll let Rose out of prison." She told me. "So... Your father tried to kill you? And blame it on your best friend? That's sick. I'm so sorry, Sierra." "Don't be. It's not your fault. Just get me to the police station so I can fix this." She said and I nodded. I quickly drove to the police station. When we got there, she asked me to come in with her. I nodded and got out of the car, her doing the same. We entered the police station and were greeted by a police officer. "Hello. What can I do for you?" The police officer asked. "Um... My father was just brought in here. For um... Abusing me." "Oh... Um, what's your father's name?" "Frank Johnson..." "Oh. Well, what do you want to do? Do you want to see him? Bail him out? Give us more details?" The police officer asked Sierra. "I want to give you more details. About a month ago, I was put in the hospital because somebody tried to kill me. That was my father. He blamed it on my best friend, though. And so she's stuck in prison right now for doing nothing. She's innocent. And I was wondering if you could let her out, since my father was the one who did it and not her." "Oh... What's her name?" "Roseanne Brooks." She told the police officer. He nodded and said that he'd be right back. Sierra and I waited patiently. The police officer came back a minute later with a girl who had black hair with purple highlights. He took off her handcuffs and Sierra immediately ran over to her and hugged her. The girl smiled and hugged her back. I'm assuming that this is Rose. "Rose, I'm so glad that you're okay. I'm sorry that my father did that to you. I really am." Sierra told her. "I'm glad that I'm okay too. And it's fine. It's not your fault that your father is a jackass." Rose laughed. Sierra laughed with her. Rose stopped and looked at me. "Who's this?" She asked curiously. "Oh. This is Noah. I met him at the mall today. He drove me here." Sierra replied and Rose nodded. "Well, it's nice to meet you Noah." "It's nice to meet you too, Rose." I said and then looked at Sierra. "Well, we should probably go. My mom thinks that I'm taking you on a date... I didn't want to tell her where I was really taking you. She probably would've never let me leave the house." Sierra laughed. "Well, this is an interesting date. Let's do it again sometime." She jokingly said. I shook my head and laughed, walking out of the police station. I got in the driver seat, Sierra got in the passenger seat, and Rose got in the back. "So, where am I dropping you two off at?" I asked them while starting the car. "I have to go back to the hospital. They said that I have to come back." Sierra answered. "I'll just go with her." Rose said. I nodded and started to drive to the hospital. After a few minutes, we arrived. "Bye Sierra. Bye Rose. Hey. Sierra, text me later." I said. "Okay. I will." Sierra smiled and got out of the car. "You totally like her." Rose said. "I do not." I blushed. "Yes you do. I can tell." "Whatever." I said and Rose laughed. "Bye Noah." She said and got out of the car as well. I waved and drove off. What an interesting day it's been.

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