Episode 3

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15 minutes later, they arrived in their class. They put their bag on a bench and took out their presentation paper. They studied their presentation until 6.55 a.m. Then, the school bell rang. The students prepared the morning prayer. After the morning prayer, the students revised their morning prayer until Ms. Lean came to their class

When Ms. Lean came towards to the class, all of the students greated Ms. Lean. "Morning, my students,"said Ms. Lean. "Morning...Ms. Lean,"said all the students. "Have you done your morning prayer?"said Ms. Lean. "Yes, Ms. Lean,"said the students. "Well...everybody, we have a new friend,"said Ms. Lean. "Who is that, Ms. Lean? Is the new student from Korea?"said Emily. "Ms. Lean, please tell us,"said the students. "Ok,ok. Calm down and keep your voice lower. The new student is...Ohseok. Ohseok, please come in,"said Ms. Lean.

A new student came towards to the class. Many students looked at the door. When Ohseok entered the class and stood up in front of the class, the girls were shouting very loudly. Only Victoria and Irene were not shouting.

"Girls! Lower your voice!"said Ms. Lean. "Sorry, Ms. Lean,"said all the girls. "Well students...this is Ohseok. He is our new friend,"said Ms. Lean. "Hi...Ohseok,"said all the students. "Ohseok, say 'hi' to them,"said Ms. Lean. "Okay, Ms. Lean. Hi... everyone. My name is Ohseok. Nice to meet you guys,"said Ohseok smiling.

"Ok...students, let's us have our presentation. And the first going to be Lia,"said Ms. Lean

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