Episode 9

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The first day of the junior high school...
"Hi...everybody, we have two new students from New York and have just move here last summer. Lets us be friend with them,"said Ms. Alice. "Ok, Ms. Alice,"said the students. "Thank you. Now let's all greet the new students."said Ms. Alice."Now you all can go in. Don't be afraid,"said Ms. Alice.

When a new students came towards the class, many of the students looked at the front door. All of the students keep talking about the new students. "Students, this is our new friends,"said Ms. Alice.

"Okay...you can introduce yourself,"said Ms. Alice holding Irene and Victoria shoulders. "He...llo, my...na...me is I...rene,"said Irene shy. "Hi..."said Victoria.

"That's ok, don't be shy,"said Ms. Alice. "Yeah...Ms. Alice was right. That's ok, we will not laugh at you,"said Sadrina. "Okay...my name is Victoria,"said Victoria.

"Thank you Irene and Victoria. Now everybody, let's give applause to Irene and Victoria,"said Ms. Alice. Hear what Ms. Alice said, all the students clapping their hand. "Ok...thank you. Now let's learn mathematics,"said Ms. Alice.

"Kringgggg!!! Kringgggg!!!"
"Hi...you are the new student right?"said Sadrina. "Yeah..."said Irene. "Nice to meet you. My name is Sadrina. "And my name Emily,"said Emily. "Hi...nice to meet you too,"said Irene. "Hey...do you want to eat with us?"said Sadrina. "Okay,"said Victoria.

When Irene, Victoria, Sadrina, and Emily walk in the canteen. Many students looked towards Irene and Victoria. "Hey Irene and Victoria, I think everybody in the school will like you,"said Emily. "No way!"said Victoria. "Yes, Emily was right. You are really pretty, nice, and you are very humble,"said Sadrina. "Don't say like that, you two are very famous too,"said Irene.

"Hey! You are the new student right? Hi, my name is Summer,"said Summer. "Hey, my name is Beca. I really want to be your friend,"said Beca. "Excuse me. I need to introduce myself to Irene and Victoria,"said Amy. "Hey!!! Me first! Please wait,"said Aubrey. Many students clustered at Irene and Victoria

"That why I told them,"said Sadrina. "Yeah, just wish Irene and Victoria will be fine,"said Emily.

"Hey, what happened there?"said Floren sitting not far from Irene and Victoria table. "As usual,"said Lia.
"What?"said Floren. Don't see our friends want to be friend with Irene and Victoria, and they left us behind,"said Lia. "Ooo...about that new students..."said Floren. "Let's just forget it,"said Lia.

Day by day go...Victoria and Irene became very famous in the school. Lia and Floren was left behind from their friends.

When the time to taking a raport, Irene became number 1 in the class. Usually, nobody cannot defeated Marco. Marco is a smart student that from grade 1 got number 1 in the class until grade 6. Because of that, Irene really famous in school, by the teachers, friends, school guard, and the others. She really smart, but she really humble to each other.

About Victoria, she is really famous because many teachers and students said that Victoria smart, humble, and was a nice person. She always help many friends that in trouble. And, she love to help everybody.

Because all of that, Lia and Floren became very angry. Before Irene and Victoria came, Lia and Floren was the most famous student in the school. All of the students knows them. But, this what happen to us.

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