My Disco Girl

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The wooden door of the mystery shack swung open with full force making Stanly move his attention towards his brother and nephew.

"That was the most disgusting thing I have ever done." Dipper said placing his hand on the green gooey substance that coated his brunette hair.

Stanford was a few steps behind Dip, giving him the opportunity to swat Dipper's hand away from his hair. "Well, Googly Goo wouldn't be able to kill himself!"

Dipper adjusted his belt, which held a load of different types of weapons, and stepped forward into the house. "Yeah well, I wish it did." He muttered with a hint of tiredness.

Fighting unknown monsters and discovering disgusting creatures would never get old to Dipper. But since he graduated from high school, that's all he was doing taking up majority of his sleep schedule.

"Dibs on upstairs bathroom." Dip chuckles lowly, voice coming out in a cave.

Stanford hunched forward, his old age arching his back. "Mm k, guess I'm downstairs."

They walked passed the living room, exhaust curving their posture.

Mable looked up from the floor, Waddles slouched next her chewing on the split ends of her hair. "Hey! Have you guys seen Bill?"

Dipper raised his hand, eyes slowly shutting. "I'm sticky, I don't care."

Mable rolled her eyes, and looked at Stan to which he shrugged.

Since Weirdmagedion went down, and Stanley got his memories back Bill was released back into the world of Gravity Falls. But, due to Time Baby, his powers were taken. Leaving him with the only ability to teleport.

Dipper made his way upstairs, clamoring himself into the shower. Throwing his shirt over his head he jumped into the shower, finally feeling relief wash over him. Then, the famous shower song rushed through his head, and a smile lifted his features.

"Disco girl, coming through! The girl is you! Oo oo, oo oo!"

As quietly as possible, Bill snapped his fingers, and he then cris-crosses his legs sitting on the counter of the bathroom. He sat in silence, listening to Dipper sing trying to stifle laughs.

"Wow wow pine tree! You really do have a voice."

Dipper froze in place, cheek immediately turning a crimson. "Bill!!!" He shrieked causing the yellow figure to laugh. "Get out!!"

"Oh come on pine tree, like I haven't seen you naked before—"

"What!! Yo-You've seen me—"

"I know and see all, kid!"

To in shock to mutter out words, Dipper swiftly tied a towel around his middle. "I can't believe this!" He went to leave but in a swift motion, Bill gripped Dipper by the arm stopping him from going.

"Oh come on now, pine tree," he whispered, causing Dipper to gulp. "I know full what you dream."

Then suddenly, their lips connected for only a short second but Dipper wasn't the one to pull away.

"I guess, I should call you my disco girl huh?"

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