Ch. 9.2 - Alex

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In this episode: Though the heroes of the Alliance have won an impressive victory, their history might change far more due to the conversation afterward, as Alex learns to his chagrin...

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Alex sat near the roof's edge and looked out over the city. This might not be the best time to admire the view, he thought idly, watching Los Angeles become a field of stars brighter than the night sky, but it's hard to care right now. He indulged in a long, deep breath, feeling almost cleansed of their encounter with that Vortex...thing.

One of Nicole's group - Eve Hawk Alex remembered - strode over to his side. "May I?" she asked. Alex nodded, and the woman sat cross-legged next to him. "Your first Vortex Beast?"

"Yeah." Alex looked the newcomer over, careful to keep his Vision locked down but otherwise examining Eve with a discerning eye. The long black hair and dusky features were merely heritage; it was her aura that spoke volumes, a mixture of fluid resolve and jagged fury forever at odds. "You all right?"

"As much as ever," she replied evenly. "Being a Sword of Harmony is never easy." She smiled then, surprising Alex in spite of the brevity of their contact. "What important role is?"

After a few seconds, Alex nodded. He looked around, finding the others gathered in small knots. Molly and Nicole were reminiscing, while Sara and Marie listened with fascination. Alice and David were still talking to Powerstar, which Alex guessed involved further explanations about the bizarre world of the Majestic. Maxine was laughing as she went on about something to Akira, who smiled gently in response. "It seems harder for you than most of the others," he noted.

"Your role is just as tenuous," Eve noted, swirling her hand in the air. A mug formed in it, filled with hot mocha. Alex let a smile creep out, accepting the cup and taking a sip. His eyes widened. That's not possible, he thought, realizing a moment later that she'd formed it, whole cloth, out of the Weave. "Perfect" flavor hardly counts in comparison. "You defend one who rejects the forced choices of the Complex, Alliance and Absolutists. I have the Swords. What do you have?"

"Sara," Alex replied immediately. "It's enough." He blinked. Huh. That's completely true. After a moment's pause, realizing that Eve had conjured some mocha for herself, Alex nodded toward her. "I'm sure you've been waiting for me to ask - who are the Swords of Harmony?"

Eve didn't splutter out her coffee, but it was a near thing. She set the cup aside and chuckled. "Please don't tell David you knew." Her good humor vanished. "In as brief a tale as I can make it, the Swords are a warrior band as ancient as the Council Majestic. The last few centuries were hard on us, as we faced an increasingly hostile Mandate and the growth of the Heralds - the Vortex's human cultists."

"The White Herald..." Alex muttered, eyes flickering back toward where they'd fought.

"Indeed." Eve took a quick sip. "Both World Wars were started entirely by humans, for human purposes, but many other parties took interests. The Vortex gorged on the misery and death of the Second, in particular. I'm sure you've been told about the rise of Gray Company and the formation of Division One, but I doubt they mentioned us."

Alex's eyebrows shot up. "Neither Sara nor Molly would ignore your contributions."

"Oh, I doubt their omissions were deliberate," Eve agreed, waving him down. "The Allies see themselves as the sum total of sane Majestics. In fairness, we were few by the end of the war, and two-thirds of our number joined Division One to form the Blaze-powered backbone of the Vortex hunters."

"So the Swords focus on Blaze?" Alex asked immediately. "Your remaining membership would be a perfect fit for the Alliance. Ben and Molly have been trying to figure out what to do with me, and none of us are sure how to handle a full-on superhero." They both turned and looked at Powerstar, who was staring wide-eyed at David as the Ghost Dragon gestured wildly.

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