cheer registration.

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                              FORM FOR RIVALS !

  ❝Seat of all the lights..

Back-up Faceclaim:

Name: (please also include the writing that it's in; Hangul, Thai, etc.)
Nicknames: (min. 3)
Age: (corresponds to the slot)
Birthdate: ^ (If u don't know the year, then just write the month & day)
Ethnicity: (Asian is not an ethnicity)
Languages: (max. 3 unless your going for 10,000 hours)

..and take you straight to my vision.

Background: (paragraph form) min. 7 sentences

Family/Friends: Name | Ocupation | Age | Closeness out of 10

(not optional unless u have no family or friends)

Tryna be the flashing lights...

Personality: (bullet form) (must have a brief explanation for every trait) (min. 5)

Likes: (min. 5)
Dislikes: ^

Trivia: (min. 7)

Any words you'd like your character to say?; (optional but its fun and creative uwu)

.....I know that's my mission.

Character aesthetic: (clothes, style, over-all colors/what She portrays)

Music Playlist: (some music that sums up your character and/or music your character would listen to) (min. 3)

Any other scene requests: (min. 2)

Making my own choices...

Relationship/Thoughts on other slots:
(Please put this in first person point of view! Example: "I mean she's a hoe, but Johnny's her brother so,,") (not optional. If u don't want to do it, just put a simple "I don't like her." Or "she's cute in my opinion." Or smtg)

Requested scenes with other slots: (min. 2) know that's my decision.

Love Interest:
Backup Love Interest:

How do they act around their love Interest?;

Relationship with Love Interest; (Beginning + Middle + End) {Y'all don't have to write paragraphs if you don't want to, just write, they were strangers at first, then they began seeing each other without letting the others know, then they ended up dating at the end. Just put something of that nature.)

Couple Trivia: (min. 7)

Requested Scenes with L/I: (min. 2)

See you in your dreams...


Anything I forgot:
Anything you want to tell me / Note to author: hi! My name is Nessa~ although I may be busy sometimes, I don't bite! HMU. <3

...'cause I see all my revision.

I promise y'all this form
isn't as long as it seems omg.
A lot of it is just my notes
because I wanted to make sure
y'all knew what I meant, and
that no one left anything blank.
Anyways! Please hold off until
I post the turn in chapter. Thank
you for your patience uwu.

Commented Raw Form!

Paste-bin Raw Form!

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