*EXaSpERaTeD siGh*

20 12 6

Has anyone ever had that moment when...

You decide to try to sign back into that one old account you forgot the password for years ago?


I just did and...

I somehow got it on the second try... -_-

I can't tell you how disappointed I am in my past self for not figuring out the password for my old email account, tearihowl@gmail.com

Which is why I made my current one, tearihowl1@gmail.com

Yeah I just totally told y'all my emails just don't spam meh pls

But like... It was variation of 2 of my common passwords like... I sHouLD'vE bEen aBLe tO gUeSs tHaT, RIGHT!!!???!



I'm so disappointed in myself ;-;

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