The Hollowed

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My senses came back to me slowly. My optics booted up as I noticed a sharp pain in my arm. I was still weak and unable to defend myself. I was at the mercy of my attacker. I was being dragged, heaven knew where. I tried to raise my head to get a look at my capturer. Big mistake. Before I could raise my head an inch, the attacker slammed their hand down into the base of my skull. My eyes flashed at the blow.

My eyes focus again. My subduer spoke, "Don't resist, it will only end in your downfall." The voice was definitely feminine.

I seemed to be dragged for hours. It was beginning to become dark. Suddenly we stopped. I took that moment to take in my situation. My hands weren't bound. I was low on power, and wounded. I wasn't much of a fight for this huntress.

We were headed for a cave. She set me down and leaned me up against a rock. "Wait here." She said, heading down the cave. I didn't have much of a choice, I was broken and battered, I could hardly think let alone try and escape.

I heard a growl somewhere off in the distance. It was low and deep. I looked around trying to find where the noise was coming from. I saw a dim yellow light coming somewhere from behind a nearby hill, and it was getting closer.

I gazed in horror as a Hollowed Knight clambered over the small hill. "Crap." I muttered trying to remain as still as possible. The Knight was close, he must have been following us. I was too weak to defend myself by normal means, I had one solution, magic.

I heard another roar as the Knight caught my body form against the rocks of the cave. His massive sword flashed red as he lumbered toward me. I had a choice to make, try and kill the Knight and endure whatever the Huntress had in store for me. Or, Let the Knight kill me and take me away form this world of war.

The choice is mine to make.

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