The Long Haul

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"Now that were taken care of, Whats your story Pip?" I asked looking at him. "I am still a guardian, I was sent to find Ginga, who's been lost out in the Cosmodrome for some time now." He said removing his helmet to show his Metallic face plate. I nodded toward the Titan. "And you Ginga?" I asked now looking toward him. "My fire-team was killed during an adept to destroy SepIks Prime. I was the only survivor." He said.

"I'm sorry for your loss." I said. "You are not the only one who has lost close friends." I said remembering my brother. Ginga nodded. "So you are welcome to join us on our quest, or you may return to the tower." I said. Pip and Ginga looked at each other. "Its up to you." Pip said looking at Ginga. Ginga grinned, "Sure we'll tag along." He said. "Good to hear." I said looking back at him.

"The Hive and The Fallen should have cleared out by now." Pip said putting his helmet back on. "Alright then, lets get a move on." I said helping Vette.

So we started walking back toward where Vette had gotten hurt earlier. I saw her blood as we passed the spot where Pip had saved her. Dead bodies littered the area we had been only hours before. Thrall, Acolytes, Wizards, Dregs, shanks, and Vandals littered the area. There was even a Captain, who still had some life in him. "Die you worthless dirt-bag." I muttered firing my shotgun into his head. Pip ran up to me after he heard I had shot. "That shotgun is no good when you can only use one hand." He said. I looked back into his red visor. "I'll manage." I said attempting to pump the shotgun with one hand.

It was no good no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't chamber another round. "Here." The Titan said handing me a hand Cannon that he kept by his side. I looked at the half gold half black hand cannon. "This will do nicely, I think." I said nodding to him. We continued to walk through the aftermath of the battle. Black blood had pooled up in a lower area, and It as almost deep enough to swim in.

After we made it through the battlefield, My ghost chimed in, "The ships should be nearby." I had almost forgot the little drone of the Traveler had been there. "Thanks Omega." I said. I slowly walked on Vette was slowing me down. Vette must have been aware of the fact because she said, "Move on ahead, we'll catch up." I nodded as Nemori and Pip looked back at us. They shrugged and kept walking.

"You don't have to do this." Vette said. "Stop here, you need a rest." She said. I looked at her straight in the eyes. "There's no telling whats out there. I will carry you till I die, I'm only a machine." I said breaking her gaze. I continued to trudge on after the others.

"There here!" Nemori yelled off in the distance. Directly after that I heard gunfire. I hurried off in the direction as fast as I could drag Nemori. And if I had known what I was going up against, I should have ran the other way.

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