Family intervention

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'did I do something wrong?' Lorna replied so quietly unable to look at them she looked down fiddling her fingers in her lap. Alex scoffed.

''are you fucking kidding me? your breaking Nicky you fucking used her. have you never heard of masturbation?'' Alex was nearly shouting now rolling her eyes.

'Alex calm down' Piper said grabbing Alex by the arm. Alex sighed but allowed her girlfriend to pull her away a bit.

''I dunno what you're talking about"

'Lorna we know you and Nicky slept together earlier' hearing this Lorna looked down in shame.

''as much as Nicky doesn't want us to tell you this we have to'' Red looked behind towards Piper who nodded before taking a step towards Lorna taking the seat next to her.

''Nicky loves you so much, more than she'll admit. When you slept together she thought things might change. Having to explain to her that nothing will change is impossible. When Nicky wasn't around for a week and you thought she was taken to SHU she was actually in medical. she tried to kill herself because she hated that she loved when you will never love her back. she's never truly loved someone before. she came back from MAX thinking you'd be waiting for her ready to start a relationship but you got married instead because you can't stand to be alone but now she's alone'' Piper said she tried to be nice but it came out a lot harsher and spiteful the more she spoke.

'she tried to kill herself? I didn't think she was ever coming back.'

''you still got married to someone you barely know. whats his favourite color. what was his favourite school subject, whats his family like. can you answer that'' Alex said.

'I don't- I don't know okay? your right I barely know anything about him but he loves me'

''so what if he loves you, do you love him?''

'I don't know' Lorna was crying at this point.

'I'm trying to love him I don't know if I do. He can give me everything I've wanted, kids, marriage a big house and he loves me. he's gonna take care of me when I get outta here'

''none of that matters if you don't have love. Nicky can give you all those things. you can adopt kids, or get a sperm donor. the only thing she can't give you is a dick. you love her lorna. you love her not Vinnie but your too much of a pussy to admit that your in love with a woman'' Alex was shouting by this point making Lorna cry more. Piper had stood now giving Red her seat.

'Hey Alex cool it, we aren't here to make her feel crap we're just trying to prove a point'

''you practically just accused her for Nicky trying to commit suicide''

''shut it both of you'' both Alex and Piper listened to the Russian who everyone feared.

'Listen Lorna we want you and Nicky to be happy. When they took Nicky away to MAX you were a mess. it's ok to be gay, half the women in this prison probably are. Alex and Piper are, look at them, they're so happy.' Lorna looked to where Red was pointing at where Piper and Alex were stood holding hands looking at each other with so much love in their eyes hearing the way Red spoke about them.

''I'm married I-''

'people get divorced. we aren't going to force you to do anything its your choice if you stay with Vinnie or not. You can go' Lorna got up before running out of the kitchen leaning on the wall taking deep breaths, it was too much for her. She knew how she felt about Nicky and thought the fact she was in MAX and wasn't meant to come back that she could make a life, the one she always expected to have, the one her parents wanted her to have. Lorna loves Vinnie but she's in love with Nicky. After calming down she heard Alex fighting with Red.

'what the hell Red your just going to let her leave'

''we can't force her to get a divorce''

Nicky, Lorna wanted to find Nicky she had to tell her but she couldn't. she promised herself to Vinnie. Red was right though people get divorced all the time. Lorna's head was racing with all these different ideas about what she should or shouldn't do. should she tell Vinnie first or does she just stay with Vinnie who can give her kids and money. she deserves to love, she loves Nicky but she can learn to love Vince.

'stop it! stop it! stop it!' Lorna screamed hitting herself on the head. Red came running out of the kitchen grabbing Lorna by the hands.

'I love her. I love her so much'

''then tell her'' with that Lorna ran off she was going to tell Nicky then ring Vinnie tomorrow.

'where's she going?' Alex asked coming out of the kitchen with Piper following behind her.

''to tell Nicky'' Red had a look of satisfaction on her face knowing finally her daughter would be happy.

'what are we waiting for I want to see this?' Piper ran off pulling Alex with her. Red speed walking after them. as they got to the dormitory expecting Lorna and Nicky to be there they almost ran into Lorna who was stood in the doorway.

'what are you waiting for?' Alex asked.

''what if she doesn't want to be with me?''

'now your being fucking stupid. Go!' Alex said pushing Lorna into the door. Alex, Piper and Red stood in the doorway not knowing what to expect. 


It's time. I deserve to be happy. Vinnie loves me but I'm not in love with him. I love Nicky. I can see her sat in her cube talking to Norma and Gina. I looked behind to see Alex, Red and Piper watching intently shooing me with a wave of their hands. I walked up to Nicky stood right in front of her forcing her to stand up pulling her up and in for a kiss. it was more than before, more than anything with anyone else including Vinnie. it felt like home, they fit together like a key in a lock. Nicky pulled away.


'no, no no I can't do this again. it's not right you can't just-'

''I love you. I love you, not Vinnie. I tried to push my feelings away because I couldn't except the idea of me being in love with another woman'' Nicky had a few tears falling from her eyes no matter how hard she tried to keep them in.

''I love you Nicky Nichols'' Nicky pulled Lorna in for a kiss this time. it was slow and deep with so much love poured into but wet from tears from both Nicky and Lorna.

'you have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear you say that' Nicky whispered leaning her forehead against Lorna's.

'I love you Lorna Morello, the crazy and all'. They stood their foreheads together taking each other in. Vinnie completely forgotten. Lorna looked over to their family who all had tears coming from their eyes even Boo shed a tear, only one. Red came over engulfed the new couple in a hug shortly followed by Piper and Norma.

Lorna had everything she wanted. someone she loved and who loved her back. her family. they may all be criminals but no one had loved her as much as her prison family.

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