chapter 8

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The day Kai comes home!!!!!!

It wasn't a normal day. Lloyd was the first one up. He got up and decided to go for a run. While he was on his run he passed by the Ninjago city hospital. And that's when he remembered that Kai was coming home today. He immediately turned around and bolted back to the bounty. " what's that coming towards us?" Jay said pointing at the figure coming towards the bounty quite quickly. " I don't know. DEFENSIVE POSITIONS!" Cole yelled. They all got into there defensive positions ready to attack whatever was coming towards them.

Lloyds POV

As I was running back towards the bounty I saw the others in defensive positions. They must not know it's me. I kept running even though the others were going to try and kill me. Once I got close enough I realized they didn't have the boardwalk down. So I flipped above the bounty. And when I hit the floor a shock wave emitted from my body hitting the others and sending them flying into the walls. But I didn't care cause Kai was coming home today!

As everyone got off of the walls they realized that it was Lloyd. " Lloyd that was kind of short for your run. Did you go your normal 3 miles?" Zane said. " No. I stopped at the hospital turned around and came back as fast as I could" Lloyd said. " Why? What's wrong?" Nya said. " Nothing.......... i just remembered KAI'S COMING HOME TODAY!" He semi shouted. The others completely forgot about that and so they were extremely happy.


It was 1:00 P.M and Lloyd was expecting a call from the hospital saying he could come get Kai. The others were training and he was on his phone waiting for the call. But he soon decided to go train with his friends to try and get this whole thing off of his mind. A few minutes later his phone started to vibrate. " Hello?" Lloyd said. " You can come get him." The doctor responded. He immediately hung up and summoned his elemental dragon. He flew off towards the hospital extremely fast. When he got there He dropped down and walked in to find Kai standing there in his red hoodie and black pants. When Kai noticed him He ran over and Kissed Kai on the lips.

Kai's POV

I was waiting in the lobby of the hospital waiting for my sister to pick me up. But when i looked up it was Lloyd standing there. When I looked at him he ran over to me and kissed me. I had completely forgotten how soft his lips were. " I'm glad your not dead." Lloyd said when we broke the kiss. " Thanks. I'm glad I'm not dead to. Or I would never be able to feel your soft lips again." I said and Lloyd smiled. The doors opened and I saw some people coming in wearing black clothing holding knives. " Kai smith?" one of them said looking at me. " yeah." I responded. " we're here to kill you." They said. Then one of them threw a knife at my heart.........

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