Five Degrees. 🌪

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"Gus slow down!" i said while gripping the door handle,he looked over and smiled,which made me feel a little bit more safer. I had an crush on him,and i didn't tell him because i didn't want to ruin our friendship. He continued to drive faster,until we reached his favorite restaurant, crybaby. "Come on." he said while closing his door. I walked into the restaurant,and immediately i was greeted with the smell of pumpkin spice. "What do you want?" Gus asked. "Marina?" his face began to blur.... "Marina, Marina?"
dream fades away...
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"Marina" My mom said softly while trying to wake me up, "Are you still having those dreams about Gus?" she asked, i shook my head in agreement.Gustav is my boy bestfriend/crush,but we call him Gus for short and his mom calls him peep.We've known each other since,forever really.This is kinda how it went,my mom and his mom known each other since they were babies and they've been best friends ever since,so when they had kids- i think you guys are getting the point.But i'd been having weird dreams about him lately,I guess because i hadn't seen him in awhile,and he'd been out on tour. "I heard he was back in town,and he would be at school today." my mom said with an smile, i immediately ran to my bathroom, with my dog Blu' following behind me.I did my hygiene and got dressed.It was suppose to be freezing outside today,so I was just going to ask my dad to take me to school since i couldn't walk.My phone vibrated and it's was an text from "hellboy⚡️" a.k.a Gus.

Hellboy⚡️: Hey crybaby 😉 i missed you. 🖤
Gus always calls me that,I guess that's just a nickname he came up with for me... ever since we were kids.

August 17,2006
"mommy but please,i want it." i said to my mom while pointing to the juice dispenser,she continued to say no but tried to explain to me as nicely as she could. "mar,I wish i could but i can't.That drink is only for grown-ups not kids." she said. My 4 year old self started to throw a fit and i began to cry.I ran away to my room,crying harder than ever,over a drink that i couldn't have💀. Gustav came in,and sat next to me. "what's wrong now crybaby?" he asked "i'm not a crybwby" i said while wiping my tears away. "Crybaby,Crybaby,Crybaby" he continued teasing me.
flashback ends....
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Yeah,what an interesting story.That explains where my nickname came from.
Me: i missed you more,hellboy. ☺️
Hellboy⚡️: Do you need a ride to school?
Me: yes please,it's freezing outside and i don't want to walk.
Hellboy⚡️: I'll be there in 10
Me: bet!

I walked downstairs and I was immediately greeted with the smell of coffee,pancakes,sausage,eggs and more.My big brother Landen was getting every little bit of food he could because he had football practice this morning,let me inform you guys about my big brother.He's a well known jock,well the most popular dude at westbrook high.Landen is always on the go,and we don't really talk as much,but if i need anything he's always there. "Save some for Marina." my mom said, he looked up at me and went back to eating. "Mom,Gus is coming to pick me up for school." "Like hell he is" Landen said. My mom laughed "Watch your language,Landen." my dad walked in and gave my mom a kiss on the cheek. "Morning pumpkin" he looked at me and gave me a smile, "Morning Jr." that's a nickname my family calls Landen,since he is named after my dad. "Dad,Marina is getting a ride from Gus." My dad looked at me and then turned around to Landen, "What's wrong with that?" "I don't want her around him" Landen argued . "Oh god,She's 16." my mom jumped in, "Yeah,I know.I just don't want an impregnated 16 year old." "Omg,dad!" i said. "Gus is giving her a ride and that's the end of the discussion!" my mom yelled. We all heard loud music blasting from outside, "Well,that's him,gotta go." i said while grabbing my backpack and heading to the door. "Marina." my dad said while walking towards me, "Atleast let me walk you outside." I rolled my eyes. My dad opened the door and there was Gus,Leaning on his car staring at me with an smirk. "Hi sheriff." he called out to my dad. I forgot to mention,my dad is the town sheriff.My dad gave him a dry wave and looked at me. "Look Pumpkin,I love you and if anything happens or if you need anything let me know." he said while side-eyeing Gus. "Ok dad,love you too." i ran towards Gus and jumped on him.It was the best feeling ever,he hugged me tightly and spinned me around which made me nervous,I thought he would've dropped me. "I missed you hellboy." i said with my face buried in his neck, "I missed you more Crybaby." He put me down,and we got inside the car.We were joking around the whole way to school,we got out and there was wicca,tracy,fishnarc, and just... the whole "GBC" crew. "Whats up Marina" wiggy said. I know they all have weird names but that's all their nicknames,names that they want me to call them. "*laughs* nothing much wiggy." "Hm,did you miss your boyfriend?" tracy said while glancing at Gus. "Omg! peep is back guys!" Emma said while approaching Gus with her little cheerleading squad behind her.Emma is a popular cheerleader,she's very easy i'll say.She's always rude to me and all the girls in the school look up to her,I don't know why though,she's just a bitch. Emma was all up on Gus which made me kinda jealous a bit,I do have a crush on him. "Hi Marina." she said, while her group of friends laughed. "I'll catch up with you guys later,I don't want to be late to class and it's cold." I said while walking off into the school.Before I could even open the door, Tracy opened it for me. "I know you don't like emma,trust me I don't like her either." he said, I laughed. "Yea i know you don't." "You know we're getting a new student tomorrow,rumors say it's a girl." he said while shoving me in a playful manner.Tracy is the only one who knows i'm bisexual,including my mom,but no one else knows.Not even Gustav,my bestest friend.I feel bad but,i'm not ready to tell him yet. "I've heard too but i really wasn't paying attention to it." i said shrugging it off. "Meet me by the front doors,all of us are going out for lunch." "Who's all of us?" i questioned,tracy laughed. "The whole GBC clique, you know." tracy said, the bell rung "Ok I gotta go." i hurried to my photography class...

skips to lunch:
I walked to the entrance of the school and I saw everyone tracy said would be there,but i wasn't expecting Emma and her crew.Gus and her were hitting it off,pretty hard.I just ignored it and greeted everyone. "Hey,I'm going off campus for lunch but i'll call you." Gus said to Emma, "Don't leave me hanging." she said while walking off with her friends. "Bro,why do you even entertain that bitch."Tracey said. We all laughed, "Tracey before you even try to lecture me,I know she just wants me because of "money" but it's not like that." Gus said, while getting up and walking towards me. "You ready?" i almost melted,he was so close to me and his voice,his voice was like music to my ears. "Yea" i replied , "Ok guys let's go." we all walked to the car and got inside. "Marina where do you wanna eat?" Gus asked, all eyes were on me. "Well i didn't really eat breakfast this morning, i was thinking about going to a cafe or something." "Good choice." narc said while giving me a thumbs up.While we were on our way to the cafe, My brother texted me.

Lj🏈: Did you leave with him?
Me: when you say "him",who are referring to?
Lj🏈: You know who i'm talking about,just remember what dad said,no impregnated teens @16.
Me: dude fuck off,me and Gus are not like that.
Lj🏈: Yea whatever,just be careful dude.

Everyone was getting out the car,and Gus was looking for something under his seat. "No impregnated teens huh?" he gave me eye contact,which made me nervous. "Um, he didn't mean it." i said while getting out of the car, "I think we both know what he mean't." he said while opening the door for me. "Don't worry about it.". Everyone sat at an table together while I decided to sit at a table alone,Gus walked over and showed me a picture that he took of me sitting alone. "I look so ugly." i said while putting my hands over my face. "No you don't." Gus moved my hands away from my face,i felt my cheeks flush red.

He begin to stare at me,and he smiled

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He begin to stare at me,and he smiled. "What?" i asked "You're just cute,that's all." i looked away and blushed. Tracey started looking at me across the way,and he silently laughed. "Thank you." i said while looking back up at Gus.We talked,ate,and just had fun.He drove all of us back to school and the rest of the school day passed by surprisingly fast.
I walked into my home to hear my dad on the phone,in his office. "We just don't need any trouble down here." he said laughing but you can tell he was very firm. "Ok well i'll have someone show her around town tomorrow.... you bet,ok bye." i then heard the phone click. I walked around the corner,in the entrance of my dads office "Who was that." i asked "Oh no one important,how was school?" "Great,i went out with-." "Gus" i was interrupted by Lj 😒. My dad looked over at me "Really?" "yes" i answered. "Yeah,and she went behind my back about it." Lj said angrily. "i don't have time to argue with you Lj,i told you the truth what else do you want me to do,lie? I don't know why you care anyways,you're not dad,so bud out of it dude." I went upstairs to my room and laid on my bed,i stared at the ceiling while i began to think.Thinking about everything and everyone,then i felt my eyelids become heavy... i had fallen asleep.

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