Chapter 3

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Jack walked back into the kitchen to find everyone marginally calmer than when he had left - only marginally, but that wasn’t saying much given that it was his family.

“Hey kid, you good?”

Dean was the first to spot his son hovering in the doorway. He shifted in his seat to face him as he took a swig from a glass of whiskey. It didn't escape Jack’s notice that no one else at the table was drinking, not even Lucifer. But he decided to ignore it for now.

“Yeah… I'm good.”

“Alright,” Dean said, though he didn’t believe his son in the slightest. “Wanna sip?”

Jack shook his head. “I'm not twenty-one yet.”

“Good point” Dean said, setting down his glass. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

Jack nodded, pulling out his phone. “Can I go out tomorrow?”

Cas rolled his eyes. “Yes. You know the rules.”

“No hunting demons, no buying too much ice cream, no attempting to get recruited into the Avengers,” Jack chorused along with his father, in a bored monotone.

“And a new one,” Dean interjected. “No letting your boyfriend hunt demons either.”

Jack stuck out his tongue and sat down. “He won’t get hurt, will he?”

“Hurt?” Sam echoed. “Hurt how?”

“You know, because of… the family business,” he said meaningfully, raising his eyebrows.

“Of course not!” multiple people chimed in from around the table, while Dean said, “Not if we keep him safe,” and Cas said, “Probably.”

“Cas!” Dean yelped, whacking his husband’s shoulder.

“It’s true!” Cas retorted.

Jack hunched his shoulders. “I’m going to sleep. Night.”

They all watched as Jack traipsed up the stairs to crash in the guest bedroom.

“Did we fuck up?” Dean asked eventually.

Sam shrugged nonchalantly and Dean scowled at him before he stood up and walked out the kitchen. They heard the front door slam a minute later.

Cas shifted his weight, about to follow his husband when Sam reached over and placed one giant hand on his shoulder. “Let him go.”

Gabe frowned. “What's up with Dean-o?”

Charlie, Sam and Cas exchanged glances.

“He's just…” Sam started. “He's just been getting a little… uneasy lately… I mean, the past few years, everything's been good. Hell, it's been great. This is the closest to a happy, domestic life we've ever gotten. I think he's waiting for something to break, to go wrong. It always has in the past, hasn't it? I think in his mind he's asking himself why this time should be any different.”

Cad nodded sadly. “He's scared.”

Luci sighed. “If the great Dean Winchester is scared, shouldn't we all be?”

The room was plunged into silence at that. Surprisingly, Jess was the one to break it.

“Of course we should!” Everyone jumped, startled by her harsh tone. “I mean fuck! I'm scared any time one of you lot leaves the house! The man I am bound to marry, puts his life in danger everyday! You all do! Just the thought of one of you not returning one day…” She trails off, eyes glassy with tears. “You guys are my family. You're all I have, you're all Dean has. So don't single him out, he has a right to be scared. Because why should this time be different? What is there to say that each time I see any of you it won't be the last? What is there to say that Jack’s boyfriend isn't in serious danger, just by being associated with us?”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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