Fifth Harmony is at my house!

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Me and Isabelle stood at the door looking at Fifth Harmony. That is Isabelle's favorite Girl Group and I know that because that's literally all she talks about. Those girls were smoking HOT and I couldn't help but stare at them with my mouth wide open as they walked towards us. Isabelle must have noticed me staring cuz she made fun of me so I gently punched her in the arm.


The girls rang our doorbell so Sophia quickly got up and ran to the door and opened it welcoming my 5 idols into my home. The oldest of the group Ally must have noticed how shocked I was so she came up to me bent down and gave me a hug.

"Hi gorgeous what's your name?" Ally asked me.

" harmony?!"

Jacob gave me a confused look he then nudged me and whisper screamed "WORDS".

I then looked at a giggling Ally and said "Isabelle." "That name is gorgeous" she said "and I love your dress!"

She then stood up and went to talk to Sophia. Camila came next, "Hi" she said "Hello I'm Isabelle"

"OMG I Love your name I always loved that name I want to name my kid that name!" she said. I giggled.

I said hi to all of the girls and then I followed them into the backyard where they were doing a mini concert. I stood right in front of them as they sang I also knew all of the words to every song.


While we were singing I couldn't keep My eyes off of a little girl with brown straight hair a pink lace dress and a diamond bow in her hair. After the performance I got up and told Ally about the girl

"Allycat did you see the little girl with the pi"

She cut me off

"Pink lace dress with the black belt and diamond bow in her hair?"

I laughed and then said "yes".

"Oh I love her she is adorable I watched her the whole time we performed and she is a true fan, she knew all of the words and" ... Ally paused.

"Ally what's wrong?"

Ally looked at me she them called over the other girls.

"What's up?" Lauren said

"Something wrong" said Normani and Dinah. I gave Ally a puzzled look.

"I think I wanna adopt Isabelle?!" she said.

"I think that would be a great idea!" said Normani Camila and Dinah in unison. It didn't seem to phase Lauren so we agreed to adopt Isabelle today.

I Was Adopted By Fifth Harmony♡Where stories live. Discover now