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Sophia's POV

After the performance the performers Were all talking. I hope everything is ok. I stood there looking at the girls and then Ally turned to me walking over I gave her a concerned look.

"Hello Sophia" said Ally

"Hi Ally is everything ok?"

"Yeah I was just wondering if I could adopt Isabelle?" she said. A smile krept across my face.

"Of Course!" Ally's eyes glistened and she smiled and called her group members over. We all walked inside to my office where the girls would sign papers.

"Um... Are you just adopting her Ally or are you all adopting her as a daughter or a sister?" I asked. The girls all turned and looked at each other. 5 minutes later after some hugging and talking they answered.

"Ally will be the actual mom. We on the other hand will be her step-mothers. If anything happens to Ally we will take over." said Normani with a shy smile.

"Perfect!" I got up and called in Isabelle.

Ally's Pov

Sophia asked us who Isabelle's guardian would be so we all turned to look at each other.

"Can I be her legal guardian,... I didn't tell you girls but last week I went to the doctor and I found out I'm not able to make babies" I sadly said. Camila gasped "OMG I'm so sorry Ally of course you can be her mother!" she wispered. All the other girls confirmed that I could be the mother. We told Sophia so she got up and went to to get my daughter. I was really nervous that I started shaking. Dinah must have noticed so she hugged me, pretty soon it was a group hug and I felt safe with my decision.

Fifth-teen minutes later Sophia and Isabelle walked in and I had the hugest lump in my throat. I thought to myself

Ally calm down your 21 years old suck it up and give this kid a life she never had but a life you can give. I took a deep breath and then turned to the little girl.

"Isabelle,.... will you be my daughter?"

Isabelle's POV

"Isabelle,.... will you be my daughter?"

I stood there in shock at what the 21 year old had just asked me. Suddenly my knees buckled and I fell to the floor crying. Ally jumped up when I fell she got nervous because she didn't know if me crying was good or bad. Ally walked over to me, bent down and picked me up. I was then carried over to Ally's chair. Ally stroked my hair and rubbed my back. I knew that living with Ally would be a good idea. I looked up at Ally and she looked down into my eyes with a smile in her face.

"Yes. I would love to be your daughter" Ally jumped in joy and then kissed me on the cheek I giggled. All the other girls did the same and for once in 8 years I was happy.





Sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been trying to get ready for school but thanks for still reading and voting for my story! I promise to update more and stuff so yeah Bye!

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