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mark didn't have a favorite season.

but in the end, mark knew he wanted to spend all his seasons to come with donghyuck. mark wanted to be with donghyuck for the rest of his life. mark wanted to build pillow forts, watch stars late at night, go on hayrides around halloween, and all of the cheesy romantic stuff with his boyfriend. ( soon to be husband. ) mark wants to travel around the world with his hyuckie, and see all sorts of different things before they settle down someday. mark want's donghyuck all for himself. and when they do eventually settle down somewhere, mark wants to look back at what they did together and have no regrets. mark's love for donghyuck can't be put into words. he wouldn't trade anything in the world for his hyuckie. to mark, donghyuck was his entire world. without him, mark wouldn't exist.

mark didn't have a favorite season.

because in every season, donghyuck was there, making memories that were too good to be true. and how could mark pick a favorite?

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