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When we were in the car going home I got a text.
Cash: hi, is this y/n?
Y/n: yes, is this cash?
Cash: yup.
I smiled. "Why are you so happy." Jessica said looking at me. "Oh it's nothing." I smiled.
"Shook youuu textinggg." She grabbed  my phone and looked at the texts.
"Cash!?! I think he likes you." She smirked. "were just friends." I said laughing. "Are you sure." She said handing me the phone.
Cash: I was wondering if you wanted to hang out some time.
"Oh." I blushed.

"So when are you going?" She asked ansiously. "Where?" I replied.
"To see him!!" She said pushing my shoulder playfully. "I don't know."
I said. "Ask him!"
Y/n: sure. When do you want to go out?
Cash: Saturday. If that's okay with you
Y/n: sure.
Cash: I'll pick you up at 5.

"Oh my god."
"What?" I asked
"Saturday's tomorrow."

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