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Erika Pov

Hi, my name is Erika Costell I am 25 years old living in New York City and working for Team 10 Enterprises. I love working here but the funny part is I never saw or heard my boss talk until one day my life change for the better. Although throughout my life I have been through a tough journey with my family and I have been living by paycheck to paycheck since it was only my mom bringing in the money but my siblings and I still survived we had some spending money but not a lot it was more for food but since I got older I worked at one-stop shops where I got harass by costumers and my boss to where I put through it all until I have finish school and apply for Team 10 Enterprise and got hired and that's where our family now is in the good situation of its kind just my little sister Dani is diagnosed with rare blood cancer at a young age we cured it but now we are swarmed with Hospital Bills until one day we got more and more to pay since Dani got sick again and she is still in the hospital due to having stage 4 leukemia and me, my mom and JC visited her along with Morgan and sadly it just me and my mom working since JC is 16, and Morgan, she is 21 but away for college and only come back when she wants to see how Dani is doing since she is in Nashville for business, and our dear old Dani is 10 now but other then that we grew up without a father throughout our whole life since he got up and left when I was born so it was just me and my mom but how she had my other siblings my dad basically came back and raped her and she kept every single kid since she couldn't afford abortion and didn't believe in it so she kept them and she really couldn't give them up since in the back of her mind my siblings and I will be separated and she couldn't have that. So that is my horrible life still this day until I meant my mystery boss.

Jake Pov

Hi my name is Jake Paul I am 21 years old living in New York City and I have a business called Team 10 Enterprises I been running this operation since I was 16 with the help of my parent's money and yes we are a rich family since my family owns Paul Enterprise and my bother Logan who is 23 years old owns Maverick Enterprise. All these businesses been open for a while so Logans has been operating since he was 18 and now it 6 years in the making while my fathers been operating for 25 years since he meant my mother whose family was living in money so with the help of her family my father grew his Enterprise and with the help of our parent's money we grew ours but the sad part is we all grew apart for expect me and my mom we are the closest and the farthest apart has to be my parents since they got a divorce since me and Logan where young and we where raised by our mom throughout our young life but when we got older we gravitate to my dad and that where the enterprises came to existence. But since I operate my business now I got attention and that attention was always bad since the gossip rags loved to spill negativity about the pauls and it mostly tags me since people fall for it since I am the youngest and it is more believable but that lead to me getting into a relationship to where it was toxic and that relationship was a disaster since every single thing had our names on it and partially it was all her since she gave all our information to the gossip rags to where one day I couldn't handle it I broke it off with her then I went quiet to where? I have never been seen or heard until one day that changed my life for the best.

Thanks for reading I really appreciate the love I have for my books and hope this gets the same love tell me what you think and do you think it's better or the same then the Assistant of the Billionaire

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