Chapter 5

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Jake Pov

I just stood there shocked out of my mind when I saw what was happening and I can't hold back no more by picking her up off the ground and sitting with her on the couch of my office to hopefully make her feel a bit more comfortable. Since I knew how this feeling was and it was a mental breakdown one of the worst to have. Even myself had a couple through out life but not as worst as this especially now that I got her to calm down she looks petrified and I was giving her a look of confusion and questioning and that's when I heard

?: Jake

I froze because that voice was Blake's and thank god he can't see us but if I turn around we can see him and until this incident with Erika I know now she is telling the truth so I got up from the couch laid her down and gave her a kiss on the forehead and went to talk to Blake.

Erika Pov

OMG OMG one of the people I most scared of is in the same room as I was and I can't get out I am beyond shaken right now and don't know what to do besides sit there and be quiet.

Jake Pov

I walked out of the corner in view now of Blake he was about to call me again but I was like

Jake: Seriously Blake I tell you all the fucking time not to yell when you come into my office but you fucking do

Blake: Jeez bro I didn't mean it you don't have to go ape shit on me

Jake: Yeah ok sure because you said these exact same words every time

Blake: Yeah so what where you doing so important that you got pissed at me

Jake: I was on a fucking business call you idiot

Blake: Oh my bad sorry Jake

Jake: I don't think I believe you this time but what the hell brought you in here today

Blake: Oh yeah I was wondering did you get rid of the whore since I don't see her

Jake: Watch your fucking language Blake

Blake: What you don't watch yours

Jake: Yeah I do especially when people are here and other then that my language isn't referring to someone else who may be in this building and why do you care anyway

Blake: Because she needed to leave she is too poor to know what this life style is like

Jake: What did you say

Blake: I said she too obsessive to be working in this place

Jake: No you said something else

Blake: Jake I think your hearing stuff

He was laughing so I said

Jake: Your funny because I bet your laugh will fall straight off your face when I said what I heard

Blake: That's what I said Jake

He had a smirk on his face so I said

Jake: Ok then it wasn't because you basically ask if I got rid of the whore

His smirk fell off his face and he gave me a death glared and yelled

Blake: You always ruin shit Jake

Jake: Yeah and why is that

Blake: Your Drama that's why your dad didn't want you

Jake: Yeah keep thinking that and if my dad didn't want me why did he try to run my business to make it his or even try to ruin it then

Blake: Uhh...

Jake: Cat got your tongue I see then Blake I tell you this your off team 10

Blake: What that's unfair

Jake: What's unfair

Blake: You can't let me go I am your number one asset especially in the talent department

Jake: For now you where but not anymore so get the hell of my property Blake

He groaned then stomped all away out of my office where he slammed the door and once that finish I close my eyes took a deep breath and just relax there with my eyes close until I felt arms wrapped around me from behind a smile rose to my face and I opened my eyes and turn around and saw it was Erika and she said

Erika: Thank You for sticking up for me no one ever did that before

Jake: Well you have a new life now

She look at me with a questioning face and she said

Erika: Oh so since I have a new life now why do I still feel like shit

Jake: Hmm I think it's because you didn't get a big huge hug

She laughed and hugged me and I hugged her back and once I did that she dug her head in my chest and we stay there content until I said

Jake: Ok lets go back to work

She groaned and said

Erika: Do we have to I want to stay here

I laughed and said

Jake: Yes I need to finish my work Erika

Erika: But I don't

Jake: Yes you do come on please let me go Rik

I gave her puppy dog eyes she groaned and let go of me from our hug and before she left my office I said

Jake: Thank You Erika p.s. before you leave I want to see you

Erika: Ok bye Jake have fun and thank you

Jake: Your funny and Your welcome and bye to you too.

That's when we separated ways for the day until....

Thanks for reading sorry for the cliffhanger but I wanted to keep it interesting see you in the next chapter have a great day and don't forget to either vote or comment I really appreciated it bye.

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