Introduction II: Flavo

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Introduction II: Flavo

The Kingdom of Eaqimud

Eaqimud Capital City

Oloth 17th, xxxx

Chaos. That's what the palace was in. The queen has gone into labor, the prince has gone missing, and the princess just broke off her engagement. King Nocus was exhausted. He had to much stuff to do already but Boraura, Goddess of Work, decided to curse him today. 

The king actually applauds her because in a spam of 24 hours she managed to get him on his toes and keep them tippy topped.

 The people of the kingdom considered the king an amicus deorum, he never understood where belief came from because he always felt cursed. The crown was heavy on his head as he walked down the hall to the sole cubiculum. He walks through the door, an aura of authority and power surrounded him. The seven people in the room bow down to him. He gracefully walks to the head of the table and commands the men to sit.

Once everybody was seated the king started the meeting. They talked about everything from tax to building new roads to citizen rights. After about an hour and a half of discussing the kingdoms little advancements the king decides its time to get to the main point of the meeting.

"General Soluto were you able to get even the slightest clue where the first prince might be?" concern was all over his face. He wasn't looking for the heir to throne right now he was looking for son

The general stands up out of seat, clasp his hands in front him, and begins his report to his highness.

"My soldiers have found his horse dead in the middle of the Cargami forest, we found his sword alongside the tiverbiens becks, and we also found traces of human magic around the area. I believe he is on his way to Bipmarth. Everyone's eyes widen at the sudden claim the same question wonders into everybody's head, why would he want to go there. 

The way to Bipmarth is a long and treacherous journey, Bipmarth itself is whole another story. Demons, sirens, and so on rest there it's not an ideal place to be ever. Very few people go and even fewer come back, the king being part of the few that come back.

The king lets out an exhausted sigh while rubbing his hands down his face. His son is as reckless as he was in his teenager years. Duke Daemon lets out a thunderous laugh and take a sip of his wine. "Like father like son eh." He says with a low chuckle. " But if he's anything like his dear old dad he'll bring back a wife!" He bust into laughter again the general turns his head and snickers quietly.

The king glares at both of them but had a ghost smile. The king met his wife Queen Lucretia when he was 16, she saved him from being eaten by a griffin. She was pissed at him for wondering the forest alone and gave him a whole lecture about his safety and the dangers of the forest especially at night. Eventually she decided to go along with him on to Bepmarth to protect him, he fell in love with her and proposed to her she immediately rejected him, she said he has to earn her hand in marriage. He had to fight her and until he won, until then he cannot marry her. It took him 4 months so defeat her in both a sword and fist fight. Such memories brought joy to his heart.

" General please stop the search for now if that's where he is going then even your best wouldn't survive." He states with a firm voice. His order was absolute. The general nods and answers with a yes sir. "And with that this meeting in the sole cubiculum has ended." The king announces standing up. The Dukes bow down before quickly leaving the room except of Duke daemon and General Suto. Daemon offers the king a glass of scotch. "Congratulation on the new prince King Nocus." The kings grab the glass and swallows it in one gulp and lets out an irritated sigh. "My wife has forbidden for ever having sex with her again her word exactly was I will no longer carry another kid for your big-headed ass for the rest of my life." They all laugh. The queen was known to speak her thoughts no matter how offensive. "Well we all know that's a lie, watch next month she going to be pregnant again." The general states confidently. A knock was heard on the door.

" Come in."

A maid walks in, bows, and stand up straight again.

" Your highness princess lux has returned home."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2019 ⏰

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