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[1 hour later. At the dance.]

Hannah stepped onto the scene of the dance, one arm linked with Ashlyn's. She was hoping only Ashlyn could tell how awkward she felt in these heels, which looked incredibly good on her, but it felt like she was walking on stilts. The lavender dress draped across it's gown-like shape gracefully, but the front of her dress didn't reach the floor. Only the back did. So as she was walking forwards, everyone could see her stunning heels and how she could not carry them at all.

"I want to take off these stupid shoes," Hannah muttered through the side of her mouth, shooting Ashlyn a sidelong glare. "I can't wear them at all."

"Shut up. You look fine."

"I look like a penguin. I am walking like a penguin."

Ashlyn ignored her, eyes scanning the crowd of swaying, bopping people on the dance-floor as a catchy pop-song played on loud speakers. It was undeniable how incredible everybody looked. As she eyed her Class, Hannah couldn't help feeling a warm swell of pride. She felt happy for them, seeing everyone looking so beautiful and happy to be here. She even felt happy for the ones she'd never spoken to, and the popular kids. Even Tina Roberts.

A gasp from beside her grabbed Hannah's attention. Ashlyn's face was alight in an awed smile.

"There's Grayson," Ashlyn unhooked her arm from Hannah's and turned sharply to her best friend, adjusting her ringed black curls on her shoulders. "Quick. How do I look?"

"Incredible," was Hannah's immediate reply.

Ashlyn stopped adjusting her hair. Her eyes grew warm and large on her best friend, "Really?" She whispered, voice thick with emotion. Her face broke into such a joy-filled smile, it made Hannah feel empty. Her best friend leaned forward and kissed Hannah's cheek. "Thank you. I love you. I'll be back to dance with you soon, okay?"

Hannah breathed out a smile — just like she practiced in the mirror the night before. A perfectly relaxed, happy-for-my-best-friend, un-lonely smile. "Okay," she said. How soon is soon?

Ashlyn nodded, "Okay." She flashed Hannah a last smile, squeezing her hand, before letting go and turning round to meet her date. Hannah watched as Ashlyn sashayed elegantly forward, rocking her hot-pink dress and six-inch heels, which were two inches higher than Hannah's but being carried twice as well.

Hannah's heart dropped into her stomach. I'll never be able to carry heels well. She glanced around her, at the people who were dancing and laughing and mingling in all corners of the Assembly Hall. And I'll now be alone for the rest of the night. Great. A loner who can hardly walk without looking like an idiot.

Now, she'd thought about it so much that she didn't dare walk in case someone saw her. She stood there, just inside the doorway of the Homecoming Dance, one leg bent relaxedly as if she was comfortable standing here, watching couple after couple stride in with wide grins on their faces, ready for a fantastic night.

The door was right behind her. She could escape now, before her night was completely ruined.

Oh, come on. You promised Ashlyn you'd stay. And she promised you a dance, anyway, so ... At last, Hannah exhaled a steady sigh, staring carelessly ahead of her at the people's writhing bodies on the dance floor, lace of all color on all kinds of bodies moving against a dozen tuxedoes. Wow.

Where are the teachers?

The couples walking in hand-in-hand, giggling, were starting to still a numb feeling in Hannah's stomach. She decided to take a risk, and walked further along the side of the Assembly Hall, deeper in for a better view of everybody's wonderful lives. Her steps were loose and swinging, heels clipping the floor more graceful than she'd expected, to her pleasant surprise. Her arms folded relaxedly across her chest as she counted her footsteps across the wooden floor. The ends of the back of her dress trailed smoothly behind her.

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