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"Cal, you coming?" Luke asked from the doorway of Calum's bedroom. They were going to get Mexican for dinner, because none of them could be bothered to cook.

Calum was sitting on the edge of the bed, putting on his shoes. "Yeah, I just gotta get these on" He sighed, because he didn't know why it was so hard for him to just get his damn foot into the bloody shoe.

"You need help?" Luke offered, noticing Calum's obvious frustration.

"No, I'm fine" Calum said, waving him off. The boys couldn't tell whether today was a good day for Calum or not. He was really happy one minute but then he'd lash out over nothing the next. They had no idea what to do, they all felt like they really had no clue when it came to Calum anymore.

Calum knew why he was having a lot of mood swings today, but he didn't tell the other boys about it.

It all started last night, when he got a text from someone. It was from an unknown number, but he could tell who it was after he had read through the text.

You need to get over her already, she moved on, she doesn't want anything to do with you, she's mine now.

It didn't take a genius to figure out the text was from Hayley's boyfriend, and it pissed Calum off a lot, because someone had finally confirmed what he had been thinking.

The boys never said it, they all told him she would come back, so he felt okay about still wanting her so badly. But now that this guy has personally gotten Calum's number just to tell him to move on, it made him realise that he had no hope. No hope at all.

Luke was still standing in the doorway, when Calum pulled off his shoe that was half on and threw it at the wall.

"Woah, Calum, calm down" Luke said, his eyes wide.

"I can't even put a fucking shoe on. A shoe, Luke, a fucking shoe!" Calum raged, kicking his other shoe off as well. He felt so pathetic, so on edge, and just downright useless.

"It's only because something's bothering you, and I've held off from asking you all day but you almost hit me with a shoe so I think I deserve to know now" Luke reasoned, still standing in the doorway. Calum sighed and threw his phone to Luke.

"Look at the most recent text" He grumbled. He knew the app would already be open because he had been staring at that message for the entire day.

"Fucking hell" Luke muttered under his breath, before picking up Calum's black van from the ground and walking over to sit beside him. "You're really going to let this twat get to you? Because the Calum I know would just delete the message and go have a good time without worrying about some dick"

"Luke, the Calum you know doesn't exist anymore, she took that side of me with her and I know that you know that" Calum sighed, putting his head in his hands.

"She only took it because you let her. I've told you a million times and I'll keep telling you until you listen to me. Sitting around, whining about her isn't going to help you at all. It won't make you feel better and it won't make her come back, so put your shoes on, have a glass of water, come get in the car and let's all eat Mexican and be happy. I'm sick of the way we've all been acting lately, I didn't become best friends with you guys because you're all upset all the time.

'We're finally starting to see parts of the old Calum, our old Calum, don't rip that away from us. It's been great to have you back, and I hate to think that you're so fragile that you let a single text rip down everything you've worked for." Luke got up and left without uttering another word, and Calum had time to dwell over his words while he finally got his shoes on.

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