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six. a dwarf with a tale

 a dwarf with a tale

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CAM'S FIRST WORDS DIRECTED TO A DWARF WERE certainly not some destined to be written in a book to remember them, and if someone ever dared to write them down, the best would be for it to be burned because then people would save the heartache of reading something as terrible as the story written under the title of HOW TO LOSE THE LAST OF YOUR DIGNITY IN FOUR STEEPS: SPECIAL EDITION, THE MEETING WITH A DWARF!—it was a terrible long title, but not much terrible than what Cam lived that morning in that blue narnian beach, so then, it perfectly fit for him. It wouldn't be a book Cam would read if he ever found it in the shelves of a library while searching for another book with Latin jokes after stupid Ashton and stupid Gideon destroyed his. He would probably inspect up the cover, blow the dust from it (because no one in his five senses would ever read it and the librarian man was probably considering throwing it away but totally forgot about it as he had other matters that were more important than an old book), and tell himself that it was a particularly curious and unnecessary book to read because dwarfs didn't exist and it was usual the task of the same Cam to embarrass himself, so he was sure he wouldn't need a book for that in a close future.

Except that dwarfs were real and so was the moment Cam shared with one—a real disaster too, if someone asked Susan, or simply a quite a non-intelligent one, as Edmund would call it later. Peter hadn't given it a proper name, because as Cam noticed during their walk across the wood, he was still not so talkative to him and Cam still had to have a chat in private with him to fix it.

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