The Marks

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That night I took Enzo to my house, and we did not so kid friendly things. I walked him to his house it was great, the first person I actually cared about. 

" You know the walls are pretty thin" Artemis said to me when I walked through the door. 

" Oops" I truly didn't give a shit

" So you guys dating now" 

" I guess so" I sped walked to my room, I looked at Enzo's house and his window was closed and latched shut. I heard yelling from what sounded like his dad, I was concerned but they are a family they yell so I ignored it. Not a good idea. 


Monday came rolling around and I looked for Enzo with Artemis. Then I saw him he had a black hoodie on and the hood pulled up, he looked at his feet. I jogged up next to him and said hi. But he didn't look at me instead he walked faster past me. I stopped and looked back at Artemis who looked as confused as I did. 

" What's up with him" my twin asked slinging her arm around my shoulder. I shrugged and walked to his locker and there he was grabbing his books. 

" Mr. Rossi hood down" a teacher said as she passed him. He looked at the ceiling in annoyance then pulled his hood down and grabbed his books and slammed his locker. 

" Woah what did that locker ever do to you" he jumped from the sudden voice in the quite hallway. He looked up and I saw a bug bruise under his cheekbone, " jeez what happened" I asked wiping my thumb over it. He moved away and continued to walk to class. 

" What's wrong with him" Carter asked walking with Artemis. 

" If you think I knew I would be standing here" I snapped. They were in shock at my tone then I rolled my eyes and went to my locker. Enzo was acting weird I didn't know what was wrong he was fine before. But I just brushed it off and made a mental note to talk to him about it later. 


I got home and went straight to my room to see if his window was open, it was. He sat on his bed with his back facing the window with his shirt off. His back was covered in long pink whip marks, both old and new. Instead of yelling from my window I text him. 

Aj: hey you wanna meet up 

 Meatball <3: I don't feel like today maybe another day, sorry

AJ: I wanna talk to u

I look at him and I saw him put his head back in annoyance then got up and put a shirt on with the same hoodie. I was worried about how I looked so I just put my phone in my pocket and walked out the door not listening to my mom telling me she wants to talk to me. I saw Enzo leaving his house and looking around his eyes landed on me and he walk to me. 

" Hey are you okay" I asked concerned I placed my hand on his arm and he flinched away. 

" Yeah I'm fine is that what you wanted to talk about, because I have to go" he started walking away when I blurted out

" What are those scars on your back" he flinched and turned back around to face me. 

" What are you talking about" he snarled warning me to back off but I didn't I was worried about the boy. 

" Enzo I know you know what I'm talking about I'm not dumb. I saw your back from your window not even ten minutes ago" I explained stepping closer and closer to him, " please just tell me" 

" I DON'T NEED TO TELL YOU ANYTHING APOLLO!" he yelled pushing me away from him, " you have no right to suddenly get in my life like this. I've known you for a month" he snapped. His eyes told me he was having a self battle with himself on wither he should tell me or not. 

" Enzo I'm just worried about you" I said. 

" Shut up" he snapped," don't lie to me. No one gives a shit about me, not even my family does. I'm the mistake in my family's name. I don't have the right to be named Rossi" his eyes were watery and dull, he was spilling out things others have told him.

" Enzo, you aren't a mistake" 

" SHUT THE FUCK UP" he screamed tears falling quickly and heavy down his cheeks, " I DON'T NEED SOME BITCH TELLING WHAT I AM AND AM NOT" he screamed. I didn't care that he called me a bitch this is about him not me. So I did what I do when my sister does this kind of thing. I pulled him by his wrist in to my arms, not letting him move away even when he yelled at me to let him go. 

" I hate myself" he whimpered and sobbed. I rubbed circles on his back and kissed his lilac hair. 

" I want you to come to my house tonight" I whispered, he nodded after sometime and pulled away from me and started walking to my house. 

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