Chapter Twenty-Four

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    “Anthony, there’s a messenger. It’s urgent.” Zoe called as she knocked frantically. “Anthony.”

     He rolled out of bed and picked up his dressing gown. “What is it?”

     “He just said to get you.” She turned and led him down the stairs.

     At the bottom, he saw Horatio’s butler Graham look in distressed. “Sir, I need to speak with you in private.”

     “My study.” Anthony led him into the other room and closed the door. His heart pounded in his chest. He turned and gave the other man an imploring look.

     “Sir, I came to you first.” Graham swallowed and looked down. “I went to wake Mr. Angelli for his morning tea. He was cold as ice.”

     Anthony shook his head. “No. It’s not possible.”

     “I’m sorry, sir. I know he meant a lot to you.”

     Anthony clenched his teeth. He wouldn’t cry in front of this man. “Have you sent word to his children?”

     “Not yet, sir. I thought you deserved to know first, as…close as you and he were.”

     A tear fell from his eye and slid to the end of his nose. “I’ll…” His voice broke. “I’ll bring them the news personally.” He tried very hard to keep his composure. “Thank you for thinking of me. It was quite considerate.”

     “He was a great man, Mr. Osborne. There was hardly a person alive that didn’t love him. And I know after his missus, he loved you the most.”

     “Oh, god.” Anthony shook. “Please go.” He collapsed onto the floor. “Horatio.” He sobbed and dropped to the floor. He didn’t register the door opening. He sat there sobbing for a long time before a pair of arms wrapped around him.

     “I am so sorry, Anthony.” Susan whispered. “So, so sorry.”

     “Why?” He begged. “Why, Susan?”

     “I don’t know, my love. It’s not fair.”

     He clung to her and sobbed so heavily that he shook them both. He whispered his lover’s name over and over. He suddenly lurched to his feet and stumbled into his desk. “This is a dream. It’s some cruel dream.”

     Susan wiped her eyes and shook her head. “I wish so much that it were.”

     A primal scream released itself from Anthony’s throat. He went silent and stared at the wall, uncomprehending.

     His friend closed the distance between them. She lifted her hands to touch him, but stopped herself. “What can I do?”

     He shook his head. “Raise the dead.”

     “If only I could.” She whispered.

     “Leave me alone.”

     “You know I love you.” Her hand went unconsciously to her stomach. “We all do.”

     “I know.” His voice broke. “But so did he.”

     She pressed a kiss to the side of his mouth. “I’ll be nearby. Whatever you need.”

     He nodded and sat down at his desk.

     Susan watched him a moment and then left him as he asked. “Bess, I need you to get Joseph for me. Zoe, help me dress quickly. Then I need the children.” She hurried up the stairs. “The shop will be closed indefinitely. I’ll have Joseph make a sign out front.”

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