First Dates & Alarming News

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~Lauren's P.O.V~

Josh decided to just hang out around town while I went out with Dani, on what I would assume is a date. My friend seemed to think the same, because he wiggled his eyebrows at me when Dani and I were leaving the building. I made a mental note to kill him for it, and then he completely left my mind as the realization hit me. I'm going on a date with Dani Cimorelli.

Ultimate nervousness ensued as we walked side by side towards the rental car the girls must've been sharing. "This is a rental car, and it smells like an old woman, so sorry about that," she said, gaining a giggle from me. She suddenly sped ahead of me to the passenger side of the car, confusing me with her actions. "Why are yo-," I stopped short when I realized what she was doing.

Dani pressed the unlock button on the key fob, and opened the door as I approached. She grinned at me as I got in, making one of my own spread across my face. Then she shut the door, and jogged around the front to get in on the driver's side.

"Oh, so you're the cheesy, gentleman type," I asked, referring to her previous action with one eyebrow raised. The girl started the car and then turned to look at me, "first of all, I'm not a man, and second, no, I'm just polite when it comes to fans." I feign hurt as I hold my palm over my heart, "so you take all of your fans out on a date, or was I the winner of some raffle," I ask, making fun.

"The lucky winner," she corrects me as she holds a finger up, before turning to look over her shoulder, making sure not to hit anything as she backed out. "Not gonna argue with that," I say, and she simply smiles at me, then turns the wheel to begin out of the parking lot.

She pulls out onto the main road, our ride begins, and I watch the side of her face as she concentrates on the road. We sit in silence for a little while, Dani driving and me tapping my fingers on my thigh anxiously. It isn't an awkward silence though, like it is with most people I encounter, but it's unusually comfortable.

"Ya know, I never got your name," she breaks the quietness and briefly glances at me, "and I'd like to know what you'd name such a beautiful girl." I blush as she flashes yet another smile in my direction, obviously aware of the effect her simple compliments have on me. I hesitate, and she notices, "if you're worried I won't call you Angel Eyes anymore, that won't be the case," she comments, winking at me.

Damn, she really does have her ways, I think to myself, and lean forward to turn on the radio. "Hey! What do you think you're doing, missy?! You can't just go around touching people's radios as you please," she scolds. I quickly join in on the act, "this isn't your car, this is a rental that smells like a bunch of overly-perfumed old women had a knitting circle meeting in it while eating prunes." She gives me look as if to ask "what," then after a couple seconds she bursts into laughter.

A sound I've been admiring from afar, through a computer screen, I was now hearing live and in person. My heart flutters for a second, and I don't even bother to pay attention to the fact that she isn't watching the road. She settles down and wipes the forming tears from her eyes, "I don't even know why that was so funny," she says. "I mean, I guess I'm just hilarious," I respond, flipping my hair in confidence.

"Oh, I was expecting a much prettier name, but Hilarious is a really unique name, I guess," she says smirking, pleased with her response. "Oh wow," I draw out the wow, "so funny," I look at the side of her face with an unamused expression on mine. Her eyes flicker to me to witness the face I was making, and she let's out a chuckle.

"But really, can you please tell me your name," she asks, suddenly serious. Dani turns her head to look at me while stopped at a red light, and once again, she brings back the pleading, puppy-dog eyes. I almost give in, but I decide to mess with her a little bit more, "nope." Her face sinks, and a deep frown settles on it, immediately tugging at my heartstrings.

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