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After Joe has been home for a few days, it is time for him and Demi to leave. They are going to a cabin in Yosemite for a few days. Luca doesn't know yet, and we're planning on not telling him until they're gone.

"Good luck, Leah," Demi says as her and Joe stand by the door, preparing to leave. "Call us if we need to come back home."

"When Luca wakes up remember to make sure he gets dressed before he realizes we're gone," Joe reminds me.

"I will," I say, "now go have fun."

Demi and Joe leave the house looking both nervous and excited. They need to spend some time alone together, I know that. Besides, if Luca likes me then maybe they'll both have more freedom in their day-to-day lives.

I look up at the clock and notice that it is time for Luca to wake up. I walk up to his bedroom and open the door. This is the first time that I have been inside his room. It is huge; at least double the guest room that I am staying in. It has blue and white walls and is full of toys and everything imaginable that a toddler might want. He has a full bookshelf and a table with roads on it. I'm surprised with how little time he seems to spend in his room.

"Good morning, Luca," I say, lightly touching his shoulder.

He opens his eyes but still looks half-asleep as he gets out of bed slowly. I remember what Joe said, and I quickly get him dressed in jeans featuring holes in the knees and a red Paw Patrol t-shirt. I think it's some kind of kid's show, but I'd never heard of it before today.

After yawning, Luca looks around his room. "Where's Mommy and Daddy?" he asks me. So far, his voice is calm. 

I choose my words carefully. "They'll be back soon."


"As fast as they can." I kneel down to his level.

He nods, as if he's almost okay with it, after thinking for a few seconds. "Can I eat breakfast?"

"Sure." Demi had left me a list somewhere with foods that he loved and food that he completely refused to eat. According to her, he regularly eats yogurt and a banana for breakfast.

Luca runs ahead of me to leave his room. He takes the stairs to the kitchen as fast as he possibly can, stepping on each stair with both feet. I'm surprised that his short legs don't cause him to fall. He climbs up onto a kitchen stool at the island.  

I step into the kitchen on the other side of the island and find a container of yogurt in the fridge. I remove a bowl from the cupboard and fill it partially with the yogurt. Once I cut the banana up into the yogurt, I hand the bowl to Luca. Then, I grab another banana for my own breakfast.

"Are they back yet?" Luca asks.

I really don't want to get sassy with him by asking if he sees his parents "I'm sorry. Maybe there's some traffic."

"Please!" he squeals. "I want my Daddy!" He isn't screaming yet, but I have seen enough to realize that if I don't do something soon, he will throw a tantrum.

"He'll be back soon!" I say raising my voice. I notice my mistake too late. I know I should have been calm in order to help keep him calm.

"Daddy!" His voice pierces the air. Tears start to fall down his rosy cheeks.

I definitely don't want to call Demi and Joe because they just left an hour ago. 

Luca's cries sound sadder than I've heard before. Normally, they seem much more desperate, loud, and angry. Now, I think he just wants a hug from his dad.

I run into the living room and turn on the speakers connected to an older iPod. Luca's playlist is the first one to pop up and I start to play it loud enough for Luca to hear over his own cries.

"Do you want music, Luca?" I ask.

"Mommy music," he says. 

He's heard Demi's music? I find a song of hers that, by the title, seems safe to play a three-year-old and select it.

"Mommy," Luca sighs when he hears her voice. 

I think that I've unlocked the secret.


I'm so sorry that it's taken me so long to update. Both yesterday and today, school was cancelled because of how cold it is and I had a bit of trouble writing Luca's character for this chapter, but I hope that you enjoy it!

I'm Only Human (Jemi Fanfiction) (Continuation of Lost Without You)Where stories live. Discover now