Part 10 - I love pick up lines!

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We arrived before 12 noon. My mom and my nephew waited for us outside. We hurriedly went to meet them coz I was so excited to see my 1 year old nephew. As soon as I saw them, I called my mom and hugged her and turned to the boy who seemed so surprised and confused. I cuddled him and kissed him. Then I introduced Abby to my mom and they got along right away.

Alot of things has changed. It was only three years when I had gone abroad. Sub-tunnel was now fully operated, I left when they were still digging the area. We passed through the North Reclamation Area, and there was a newly built mall. Wow. It was big and the whole site was sophisticated. Impressive. Across the mall there was an amusement park, never knew Cebu would built such as this. Going along the NRA, schools, hotels and other industrial buildings were new to my eyesight. The abandoned building beside one of the malls in Cebu was now functioning. Woah! A five star hotel. There were new restaurants on the seaside, one big empty lot for another mall, said it's bigger than the Mall of Asia, new built condos, housing projects, and other things that was so new to me. I felt like I've been away for so many years, that Cebu made alot of changes.

As I stepped out from the cab my mom rented for us, my family and relatives were outside waiting for us. Their faces was full of joy that they get to see the loudest and craziest of all. I waved to them and made fun with everyone.

We settled and rested first because later that night we were meeting Abby's brother. Again my whole time was with Jhon.

Kaye: Hey Jhon forgot to tell you, we don't have internet at home now. They didn't fix the line yet. You busy today?

Jhon: Sorry I'm busy..... Busy thinking of you..haha.

Kaye: Oh that's why I'm so exhausted and uneasy because I've been running on your mind since morning. Don't you know I miss you? hahaha..

Jhon: Oh man!! I do pick up lines sometimes only and now you got one again? was your first day in Cebu? I didn't mind at all that you miss me but how I miss you.. Shit I surrender now hahaha!

Kaye: Haha crazy..everything's okay here.. I wanted to take a rest but I can't.. Aren't you feel tired? You've been doing triathlon on my mind since yesterday..haha!

Jhon: Shit haha.. I feel like I wanna give up. I can feel I'm losing it hahaha...

Kaye: I'm almost losin my grip..and if..let me know let me know haha

Our conversation didn't end there. Time to time every messages we wrote, there was something on it. Something we both knew but we don't wanna admit yet. Every word he said it gives me thrill. I felt like I wanna give in. I wanted to explode.

We went to downtown that night to meet Abby's brother, Nick. He was with his partner and son. Had a good barbeque dinner then off to karaoke session. I let the siblings have their moment together. I could see on their faces how they missed each other. While they're enjoying their company, I was enjoying my virtual partner that night. Haha. I could no longer follow or hear what they were discussing. I was on the other side of the earth. My phone was in my hand the whole night. Abby just shook her head and gave me a go-girl look. Very supportive sister. Well, she never saw me being like this before.

Nick was singing and Abby were humming while looking for songs to play next when she turned her gaze to me and laugh out loud. We all turned to her and I gave her a what-the-fuck look.

"Oh my God baby girl! You were smiling out from ear to ear," busted her.

"Hahaha, am I?"

"Yeah as in YEEAAHHH!!!"

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