The End of Everything

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I stood on the edge of the cliff. Tears rained down my cheeks. I just couldn't. couldn't keep doing this, pretending to be okay, constantly, always caring about others more than me, never being able to trust anyone for fear that they'll just use me, and use me, and use me. I clenched my fists, they were numb with the cold, all these words were filling my head, getting louder and louder and louder and louder, until I was being drowned by my thoughts, these voices inside my head, there was no escape, the Wirlpool was tightening, I clutched at my skin, tore away at my hair, I wanted to break free, cut myself out of my skin and be free of all... this. But there was no escape, no escape except from all this. Don't call me a coward, I am not running away from my problems, why run from a wolf if you know it will eventually catch up with you? Whats the point in running if you're going to die anyway? yeah, it will give you a few more hours, maybe even days, to live, but you'll spend your time running, and thats no fun. And thats what I'm doing, I cant run, I'm not strong enough, I'm not giving up, I'm just not letting myself endure any more pain than necessary. I stare out to sea, this is it. This is how it is going to end; this story, this life, this endless, endless suffering. It all ends here. I take one last deep breath, I whisper goodbye, (goodbye to what though? Theres no one here except me.) Im alone, it's dawn, everything is silent, except for the raging inside my head, the increasing racket arguing, and hating, and hurting, and hurting, and hurting, and I just just want it to STOP! And for a split-second, it does. For a split-second, I feel the icy wind blowing in my hair, feel the morning sun on my closed eyelids, and for a split second, I'm happy. And that's when I jump...

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