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 -AFTER A BUS RIDE,-Kaguya was home

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Kaguya was home.

She took her shoes off and put her backpack down, and made her way to the couch- instantly laying down and closing her eyes.

Right about now is when she passes out and takes an unintentional hour long nap after school.

As she falls into temporary slumber, she hears the shuffling of feet.
It's probally Yuta.

The male let out a small sigh, and lifted his sister up to lay her down in her bed.

Once he picked her up, he immediately frowned.
She got lighter.
Lighter than before.

He knew that when she woke up they'd have to talk.

But for now, he rested her gently into her bed to dream.

Kaguya's eyes opened to a dim lit room.
It was an all to familiar room- his room.

Her breath hitched for a second as she was startled by her surroundings.
She was in a room that wasn't hers.
She was in a bed that wasn't hers.
The room didn't smell like hers.

It smelled like him.

Quickly panicking, she knew she needed to find a way out somehow.

Before she could even think, the door opened and closed, locking itself.

He was here.
He's back.

He said with a husky voice.

He walked close to her on his bed.
Kaguya backed up until the coolness of his backboard touched her back.

Now with nowhere to go, her ex looms over her, an arm above her head, and he's looking down at her.

"It's been a while."
He spoke devilishly.

Kaguya's breathing stared to become irregular as she full out panics.

The boy took his dark brown orbs off her face, and they travel down to her stomach and thighs.

"I thought I told you to loose the weight."
He scoffs.

He brought a hand down to her stomach, lifting up her shirt slightly.

Kaguya only looked on in fear, for some reason she couldn't move.

He set his hand atop her very slightly, pudgy stomach. He gripped what he could of her remaining fat tight, causing the girl to gasp.

"I see you didn't loose it, babygirl."
He speaks, voice low.

"I don't even want to go near those disgusting thighs. Loose the weight dear, then maybe someone will actually love you."

Kaguya shot up in her bed.
She put her hands to her chest and breathed in deep, soothing breaths.

"What the fuck did I just dream..."
She spoke softly.

There were so many different emotions going on in her brain.
And guilt were to say the least.

As she was concentrating on her breathing she noticed tears starting to well up in her eyes.
She didn't know what to think.
She didn't think she was capable of thinking.

She also didn't notice her door creeping open.

It was Yuta coming to check on her.
He had heard her tossing and turning in her sleep and wanted to make sure she was okay.

When he saw his sister practically gasping for air, he rushed over to her.
He placed a hand on her shoulder and spoke.

"Kaguya! Kaguya are you alright?"
He looked into her panicked eyes.

They seemed to relax a bit at the sight of a familiar friendly face.

"I- I think? I think so?"
She wasn't thinking straight.

"Takenoko- what happened?"
He asked, proceeding to rub soft circles on her back in efforts to calm her down.

Kaguya felt a sense of security hearing her nickname being spoken.
Since forever her family has called her "Takenoko"
It loosely translates to "little bamboo".

"It's nothing Yuta"
She spoke, taking in more deep breaths.

"It was just a nightmare, that's all"

She suddenly held grasped her chest.
She had remembered him.

Yuta decided it would be best to talk to her about food later, and that it would be best to simply be there to comfort her now.

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