The beginning

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Apollyon POV

"My..... Wolves" 

I feel my legs give out from under me as my body falls onto the stone ground of the the tower me and that damn Orochi were fighting on, he beat me. I feel everything turn cold, it goes dark as I am finally swallowed into the cold embrace of death.

' so this is how it ends, I at least was able to complete my mission and now they will kill each other' I feal as though I am floating in air, it is peaceful in a sense, I can not hear anything and I am left with my self and my own thoughts ' I can rest knowing the their worlds will never be the same' I close my eyes, but I suddenly feel ..... Hot? I feel as though I am falling?!? I open my eyes to see a blue sky, clouds, sea birds and..... what is that strange contraption in the air ? I hit the ground and the air is knocked out of me, I am in shock as I attempt to catch my breath.

"were am I ?" I ask my self, it smells awful, it smells of smoke and other smells I have never experienced before. I have caught my breath as i start to stand up to try and see were I am located at

' Were am I ?!' i thought ' I have never seen this place before' " I need to find out were I am 

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' Were am I ?!' i thought ' I have never seen this place before' " I need to find out were I am 


' I just finished with the days work, I can finally get home and get to diamond rank on for honor, cant wait, but i need to check the place to make sure no one is here, first is the cliff'

(were the picture is taken)

I walk up to the hill since its basically the only place were someone can get in seeing as we are surrounded by water and cranes, I hear something, cant tell what it is but it sounds like..... Armor?

3rd POV

Apollyon: " it is very hot, the first order of business is to find new clothes that i can wear so I am not affected by this heat"

Y/n: " Hello ? whose there ?

Both of them see each other, they stare at each other for a bit

Y/N:" Okay miss, Nice Apollyon Costume but I need to ask why you are here, this is restricted property and is dangerous with out a hard hat, so I must ask you to leave the premises before I am forced to escort you out "

Apollyon:  ' who is this person, how dare he talk to me in such a matter' " Who I am is none of your concern, now begone before i kill you for wasting my time" I walk over to him and he is.... much taller than me..... is he a giant ?' 

( apollyon does not have a cannon height, or i couldnt find it, so i am making her 5'11.5 and Eli is 6'3)

Y/N: " Ma'am I ask that you don't threaten me or I will have to use force to restrain you " ' cant use the taser since her armor is blocking it ' " ma'am please remove the armor so you do not pass out and I don't have to call paremedics to come and pick you up

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