Chapter 12

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Hello guys, as I am writing this chapyer the book has reached 630 views and i am speechless, I am so happy with the  support and love this books gets and I just want to say thank you all and as a way of saying thank you I will try to put out 2 chapters in the coming days and I promise you there will finally be character development and not just adding random girls left and right

Anyways enough with the sentimental crap and get on with this chapter, this one will be development for someone very special


3rd POV

It has been a day since the shower involving Apollyon and Eve, 2B has been getting along with Jalter due to them both having white hair 

we now go the group to see what they have been up to 

Y: Well I just got off the phone with my company and somehow managed to talk them into getting 2B a plane ticket back with us, honestly they do so much for me its like some out side force is letting this happen for plot reasons

(A/N Lemon averts their gaze and sips some tea)

Apollyon: Well I for one am having fun here, I worked on my tan, learned to swim and got dic-

Apollyon is interrupted by eves hand going over her mouth, eve gave her a stare that sent chills down her spine

all of the girls except for 2B are confused by the sudden action but decide to just ignore Apollyon being Apollyon

Pyrrah: I really enjoy this place, my only problem with this is how hot it can get

the girls nod their heads, the heat has been a problem with them since they landed

Nat: I have never really been one to enjoy hot weather but this hotel sure makes up for the unbearable heat 

Jalter: I enjoy the beach and being able to swim, the cold water feels great after a long hot day on the sands

2B: I prefer to be on the sands rather than the water

2B says this with a slight shiver at the mention of the ocean

Eve: I rather be inside but if (Y) is there than it does not matter where I am

she says this with a slight blush

Y: Okay well today is the last day we are here since tomorrow we head back to the house

the girls are a little disappointing but decide to make the best of this day

Jalter and 2B decide to go and build sand castles

Nat,Eve,and Apollyon decide to go to the hotels spa for a day of relaxation

Pyrrah decides to tag along with Nat and the rest of them, they all leave which leaves (Y) and Nanaba alone in the room together

Speaking of Nanaba she is struggling with getting ready to shower and is forced to call out to (Y) for help

Nanaba: (Y) ! I need help with s-something, could you come over here and help me p-please

(Y) walks to where he heard her and sees her trying to undress without her prosthetic arm and leg

Y: Nanaba, why arent you using the arm and leg

Nanaba looks down a bit 

Nanaba: I want to be able to do something without having to rely on the help of them

(Y) sees the resolve in her eyes and decides to go and help her

Y: Here lift up your arm 

She listens and lifts up her arm as Y slides her shirt above her head

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