Club Mystique

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The body guard recognized Louis immediately. Not because he was famous, but because he was a regular at the club.

"Go on in." the tall, well built man huffed, not giving the popstar a second look.

Louis steped into the club, a serious look splattered on his face. Club Mystique was- and is- his favorite place. He smiled internally, yet let none of it show on his face. His feet veered him to the left of the club, not by choice, but by memory.

The VIP section was guarded by only a single man, who opened the rope without a single word.

Women had scattered themselves throughout the dark, secluded section of the club. A few eyed Louis as he trotted over to the bar and ordered his beverage.

"Corona."  he ordered to the bartender as Louis spun around.

His blue eyes scanned the bar very carefully until they fell upon a tall, skinny woman.

Her brown wavy hair cascaded past her shoulders, down to her breasts. Her short black dress tugged her figure tightly. Her long legs accented the short dress and made her dress look even shorter. She wore extremely high heels, somewhat like stripper heels.

Louis couldn't help but be turned on.

The bartender handed Louis his drink. He then walked away from the bar, toward the mysterious woman.

As she saw, Louis approach, the woman perked up, she sat up a little straighter.

"You know," Louis began, "there is a dress code in this club."

She remained silent, but shot him a questioning look.

"And that dress," Louis motioned to the tight black cloth, "is much too long."

She smiled slightly and spoke her first words since Louis had approached, "I'm Melanie. And you are Louis Tomlinson. Big fan."

"Were you a directioner?"

She blushed, "Yeah.."

"And you said your name was Melanie?" she nodded and he continued, "I could definitely hear myself screaming that later." 

Her blue eyes widend as she realized his request.

He leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek before whispering in her ear, "Want to get out of here?"

She nodded quickly and Louis grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the club.

The walk back was quick and fueled with lust.

Louis slammed the door shut behind the couple. In a second he was on her, kissing her deeply, passionately. He lifted her up, not breaking the kiss, and carried her down the hall to the bedroom. He slammed the bedroom door against the wall, and set Melanie down on the large bed.

They began to remove each others clothes, lust filling the room.

Their bodies fit together like puzzles pieces, something Louis was used to, he felt no love, he was satisfied. The sex was rough and quick, Louis got what he wanted, he called Melanie, at least that is what he thought her name was, a cab and went to bed.

He was just on the verge of sleep when he heard a faint noise, growing louder with every repition,





His heart was beating rapidly as his eyes snapped open scared out of his mind.


Sorry i have been so shitty at uploading lately, school, cheer, bleh.

okay so let me know what you think of this chapter.


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