Teaser - Chapter 10 😖

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Nikhil stood rooted on his place as if suddenly able to join the dots... Nandini's deteriorating health... Tauji's refusal to admit her in a hospital... the number of times he had asked Tauji that he would go and fetch Nandini's medicines but he always shrugged him off saying that there were servants to do such petty chores. And then the question which had been haunting him for past 2.5 years began to resurface... Tauji's motive to bring Nandini here!... Even after all the conclusions, he was unable to identify the reason... He has to find it...Soon... But before that it was necessary to prevent Nandini from consuming that poisonous medicine...
Nandini usually never got out of her room after 10 p.m. as per the house norms but today she heard some faint sounds... As she neared the voices became clearer as if someone was arguing... One was Ranaji's voice and the other one was a lady's voice... Nandini was shocked to see Shalini there...
Hearing those words a sob escaped her lips and before anyone could hear her a hand clamped her mouth and whisked her away...

Update will be soon!! Till then keep wondering what's actually happening!!

~MaNan FF~Benaam Rishta...The Ill-Fated Souls💔Where stories live. Discover now