Rich x Reader =Pickup Lines=

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"Life's boring."
"Don't need to tell me twice, N/N." I groan and lay down on the grass. Looking up at the trees I see a bird fly along merrily.
"Woah, didn't know I was that sexy you could be turned on that quickly. It's been like... 1 minute?"
"Shut up, Goranski." I punch his shoulder.
"Is your dad a baker?"
"Rich no,"
"No, Rich."
"You have some."
"Rich I'll punch so hard you won't see the light of day again."
"Nice." I glare at him and he holds in a laugh.
"Bunzzzzzz." I sigh heavily. I grab my lucky pen off my collar of my school uniform and scribble on his burn marks. He tells me more ridiculous pick up lines when I got an idea.
"Hey Rich?" He hums in response. I drew a chicken and a lion and a cat and stuff.
'Very specific.'
Shut up voice that sounds awfully like the insanely cool Jared Kleinman.
"I'm happy your name is Richard." He looks at me and raises an eyebrow.
"Why's that?"
"Because, now I have a dick that's into me."
"OMG I GET IT BECAUSE DICK IS SHORT FOR RICHARD AND THATS ME! OMG OMG OMG THATS THE BEST THING EVER." I laugh at him. His face has gone red due to him saying that all in one breath.
"Hey Rich?" I ask after he's calmed down a bit. "You're a Slytherin, right?" He nods quickly as if it's the last time he'll ever nod and he has one second to do it. I think frantically is the word I'm looking for.
"That's depressing."
"Because I'm a Gryffindore. Last time I checked they don't mix well."
"So I guess this is farewell." I hop to my feet and start walking off. He jumps up and runs to me tackling me to the ground.
"You fell for me hard. Didn't you?"
"RICHARD!" I shriek. He laughs and pulls me on his lap to cradle me.
"Are you a Slytherin?"
"What? No, I just told you I'm-."
"Because I want to Slyther-in." I gape at his pickup line.
"Holy crap! That's the best thing ever! Holy crap! Oh my lord! That's good!" I fangirl slightly over his pick up lines. We lay back down and watch the clouds laughing.

"I love you, N/N."
"I love you too, Dick." And with that. The school bell rung signalling for our classes.

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