=Write it good= Jack Kelly x Reader

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It's 1:30 in the morning what am I doing 

 Here's the thing. You don't like your uncle. No one really does. He always asks you what you said because he likes to make it clear he hates your British accent and he's all about American culture, he never lets you and your cousin, Katherine, do anything fun and is very horrible to people who aren't nearly as wealthy as him.

So obviously you were pretty upset when you found out you're forced to spend 2 years with the guy. Apparently England isn't good enough and your parents wanted to sail the "high and mighty seas". Now here we are, parents patting you on the back, breath slowly getting faster and random newsies scattered along the streets, oddly enough, not doing their job. Suddenly the door swings open and you're met to the happy face of your wonderful cousin Katherine. 

She told you about the newsboy strike and the rather dashing leader, Jack Kelly. Apparently, he's a flirt, he can draw beautifully and he's not too unfortunate with his looks. She then showed me a picture he drew when she was reporting a local theatres production. It was gorgeous.

"I have an idea, N/N!" 

"oh no." I joke and roll back onto the bed, chuckling lightly.

"You should come with me tomorrow to get some information out of them. The Sun could use a new story, how about this. 'Newsies Stop the World'!" she exaggerates with her hands and brings them across the bed as if she were dealing a masterplan.

"well a little hyperbole never hurt anyone." I shrug.

"Exactly what I said!" I giggle and throw a pillow at her.

We step into Tibbys. "Why is everyone so scared of Brooklyn?" Katherine yells over the top of the rallying boys. They're sat at tables sipping their waters and discussing where they're splitting up. on the far right table is a boy around my age, maybe a little older, stood on top of it with his hands by his side and a surprised look on his face. 

"well what're you doing here?" that's when he noticed me stood carefully behind her. I start to feel more and more eyes on me and Katherine. She's gives them a smile, "asking a question, have you got an answer." he once again looks at me and scoffs. 

"Brooklyn is the 6th largest city in the entire world. You got Brooklyn, you hit the motherlode." well he has a point.  "say, for someone who works at the New York Sun, you open an awful amount of time at The World. So what's that about, huh? You following me." he starts to circle around and stops at another guy who's trying to calm him down. ah, he must be Jack. the boys 'oooh' at his statement. That's when I step in, eager to help her case.

"Well sorry to break it to you pal, but the only thing she's following is a story, a rag tag gang of ragamuffins, want to take on the king makers of New York?" I watch as they boys raise an eyebrow at my accent. 'oh, a brit.' I hear one mumble as I walk by. "do you think you have a chance?"

"Hey! by the sounds of it, shouldn't you be making us our daily cup o' tea?" he mutters shocked at my comment and comes strolling up to us.

"well that's a little racist there bud--" I start but Katherine pulls me back before I had any blood on my hands.

"sorry, was our question too difficult? Hold on, I'll rephrase," Katherine coughs a bit "Will the richest and most powerful men of New York give the time of day to a gang of kids who haven't got a nickel to their name." a small boy with a wobbling crutch frowns. 

"hey! youse don't gotta be insultin'... I gotta a nickel." he mumbles. I stroll over to Katherine.

"Guess you could say you're," she starts to join in knowing immediately what I'm about to say. "a couple of davids looking to take on a Goliath!" we share a small high five and look to the rest of them.

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