4- Everything went to shit...

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21st October 2016

Hey. Again.
I found out something today, but it's not what I wanted to find out...

K, so, as I promised some days ago, I asked Peter about all those stares.
It didn't go as I planned.

Here's the story:

15th October:
We were sitting at our usual table in the cafeteria and, as always, I felt Peter's gaze.
I looked up and sent him a death glare, to which he avoided by asking Ned about Star Wars.
As soon as he looked away, I tried to call his attention again.

"Parker! Don't act like nothing had happened!" I yelled at him.

"Huh?" Peter turned and faced me.

"I'm not stupid, loser, I saw you staring at me"

"Oh" he looked kind of surprised, but, at the same time, ashamed. "I-i'm sorry... I didn't know that it bothered you"

"Yes, it does."

"Well, then I'll stop doing it..."

"Thank you" said that, I turned and continued reading.

~Some days later~

18th October:

I was walking down the hall way when I heard Peter and Ned in an argument.
I knew that it was none of my business, but I still stopped to hear it.

"Ned, it's over!" Peter whispered-yelled, "I don't like her anymore!"

Once I heard that, my heart fluttered. Maybe I had an opportunity with him...

I was wrong.

"Dude, you don't have to surrender" Ned said "You didn't even asked her out!"

"I don't need to. I know Michelle will reject me" he said with a sad look.

DAMN I thought, HE LIKED ME! 
I was so stupid... If I hadn't been so cold and bitter with him, maybe he would have confessed he liked me.


And that's all. I ruined the only opportunity I had with a guy in my whole life...

Everybody says: "LoOk At ThE bRiGhT SiDe". So that's what I'm gonna do.

-If he liked me, he liked my broken parts too.
   Ok this could give me some hope... I mean, if I start treating him like I did before, maybe he'll start liking me again...
There's one problem: I treated him like shit before... If I start doing that again, will he like me back?... this is nonsense... unless... he liked being treated like shit (?
Idk, I don't understand him...

-He still doesn't like someone else
   This is a good point because I can still try to make him to like me back (idk if that makes sense, but ok).
Once he starts liking someone else, I'm doomed.

That's all for now... thx for hearing my stupid love issues...

A/N: Ok, so here's an update!
Thank you for all the ones who left encouragement comments in the last A/N ❤

I hope you enjoyed this part! Please vote and comment if so.
(It's a little bit short but it's better than nothing)
490 words


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