Chapter One: Brawl on the Horizon

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It had been 7 years ever since the disaster that was Melee. For now, it was time to relax and have fun. It was time to leave Melee behind.

"Nooooo..." Fox & Falco groaned. "If you want to stay in Melee, you won't get invited to the next Smash." Mario said. "Leave the glory days of Melee behind if you want to sustain your legacy. Plus Star Fox probably won't even get a new game." Fox gasped.

As Pikachu went back home, he saw Pichu drawing with crayons. "Hello, Pichu!" He calls, dropping his suitcase. "Hm, so Pikachu has a tail shaped like this... Oh hey, Pikachu!" Pichu chimes happily. Pichu had left Melee the quickest as, he was faster than Pikachu. "Is there a new Smash happening?" Pichu asks. Pikachu's eyes drooped. Is this what I think it is...? Pichu thinks, ready to cry when he needs to. "Yes. This year. And you aren't invited." Pichu's eyes watered. "I'm... not?"

Pikachu nods. "Sakurai's replacing you with more "unique" and "eligible" characters." Those words broke Pichu's heart. Pichu was already unique and eligible. Why...?

"Who is it?" Pichu inquired. Pikachu took out a PokePad which played a video.

"A new Smash Bros is on the horizon! Meet... Smash Bros Brawl! Some characters were cut and replaced, just because they didn't fit the feel of the game. However, here are the newcomers!"

Pichu half-choked. He didn't fit the feel of the new game. But he was Pikachu's younger brother... and Pikachu didn't get cut...

"Pit!" A white-clad angel appeared from the door. He was happy too. Hm...

"Meta Knight! Wolf! Zero Suit Samus! Shiek!" Those names... was Brawl suppose to be edgy? What did Sakurai do? He had replaced the happy-go-lucky feel of Smash and replaced it with a feeling that you've come to kill someone!

I know why I was cut, Pichu thinks. They thought I was too small and weak to K.O. anybody in Smash! They thought I was too small and cute to give others the feeling I've come to assert dominance! They underestimated me...

Pikachu took a glance at Pichu. "Are you okay?"

Pichu nods. "Yeah, I'm doing okay..."

"Don't worry! You just have to prove your strength next time so you can make it to Smash again!"

Then Pikachu left again.

Leaving Pichu alone. To train his skills to be placed back into Smash.

He didn't need to be with friends to have the determination to go back into Smash. He needed hope, dreams, training, and a clear representation on how everyone fights in Brawl.

"Goodbye, Pikachu! I'll try my best..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2019 ⏰

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