Dude, You Were Higher Than The Clouds

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Trisha : omg, omg, omg, intensely high right now, help me

Me: Duuuude For real

Trisha : i'm like fucking laser focused and sht and shit, hAlp

Me: Do your homework hahaha

Trisha : Bruh, i'm not that high

Me: hahaha wWeow

Trisha : sEE this is what happens when le brother leaves blueberry flavoured blunt paper at home

Me : Ermergurd i want

Trisha : I will give you some, there is so much here  like, 4 rolls, holy shit

Me: Yes please   Tuesday ? ill love you 5ever

Trisha : i swear to god, i have the energy to run around kura

Trisha : omg, yes

Trisha : i rolled like 7 blunts out of boredom DX

Me: Oh wow  Hahaha Gimme

Trisha : holy shet

Me: just one doe haha I dont wanna be hyped up

Trisha : hahah, omfg, i feel so fucking buzzed, my fingers feel like hot dogs

Me: Hahaha i love talking to you when your all doped up

Trisha : and people don't look like dolphins, haha

Me: Ermerigurd since when

Trisha : heheheh, i can't fucking breathe

Me: Why why

Trisha : idk, but a picture of perrie just popped up on my timeline, and she looks like a freaking cloud man

Trisha : oh, and iggy looks like a freaking whale, weow

Me : Omg hahahaha

Trisha : help me, my legs feel dead

Trisha :j.cole sounds like a zombie

Trisha :my heater feels like antartica

Trisha :omg, people look like dolphin's now

Trisha : my brain hurts

Me : Oh shiet

Trisha : i need serious halp, and i need to sleep, #buttfuckit  oh god

Me : Go sleep child 

Trisha : thai mushroom? wot?

Me: Muuuuussssh rooooom

Trisha :push poof?

Trisha : i think i'm on fire now

Me : U need to chiil out   ice challenge again

Trisha :duuude, i can't, there's no such thing as cheese

Me: Wut?

Trisha : holy shit, nicki minja turned into a boat, did you sEe

Me: I saw

Trisha :oh thank god, i'm not dying of dehydration

Me:Dude you are  drinkk wataah

Trisha : i only have code red

Me: Drink it nigga

Trisha :my throat is burning  woah, never mind  

Trisha :nope, live wire

Trisha : woah, nope, helllllaa nope, burned my throat

Shat drink water from the tap

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