08 | Would You Look At That

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Blue runs right for the Indominus Rex, and jumps onto its back. The Indominus roars and shakes from side to side to try and get Blue off, but Blue's distraction gives the T. Rex time to get back up and bite onto its neck. The hybrid falls backwards and crashes into a building behind it. The two dinosaurs snap at each other as Blue jumps from one back to the other while dodging debris. The group gets up and runs across the road to dodge the whipping tails. Clementine stops at the front of the group and flings out her arms to stop the people behind her as Blue crashes into the building right in front of them. Penny nearly crashes into Callie as she stops, but manages to steady herself on Gray beside her. Blue gets back up and runs out back to the fight. They run to the end of the building, and stop behind the pillars when the dinosaurs trample by them. The T. Rex knocks the Indominus into another building, but the hybrid manages to stay upright. Blue jumps onto her head but gets thrown off a few seconds later as the Indominus falls backwards, breaking the fencing around the pool of water. The Indominus gets back up and shakes the fall off, whilst the T. Rex and Blue get ready to fight again. However, that isn't needed when the Mosasaurus leaps out of the water and snaps its jaw around the Indominus' neck. The Mosasaurus gets a better grip on the hybrid before slowly dragging it backwards and back into the water.

Penny keeps her eyes forwards, not taking them off Blue. The T. Rex and Blue make a couple noises back and forth, then the large dinosaur turns and walks off. Owen steps forward and Blue makes eye contact with him. Blue cocks her head to the side and Owen shakes his head slightly once. Looking back at him once more, Blue turns to run down the road.

Clementine steps out and walks to stand in the middle of the road, followed by Owen, Gray, Claire, and Zach and Penny at the rear. They stand in a straight line side by side, and look forward at the burning buildings. Clementine sighs. "Holy shit, it's over."


Penny sat with her head resting in Zach's shoulder. Beside them, Gray had his head resting in Claire's lap, and Clementine looked like she's sleeping with her head resting on her arms, all while laying on the ground on her stomach. While someone had tried to clean Clementine's wound, someone else had come to talk to Penny. They still haven't found her parents, so the person had told her to be ready for the worse.

"Boys, it's your parents." Claire says, waking Callie up from her snooze by nudging her arm with her foot. "Its your parents." They begin to stand up, but Clementine doesn't move. "Come on, come on." Penny shuffles away slightly, not wanting to intrude on the family's reunion.

"Penelope Anderson?" A woman with short long black hair and hair thick glasses approaches her.

"Yes?" The woman takes a few steps back from the group and Penny follows.

The woman speaks softly. "I'm Thea, I'm taking care of keeping track of those who... didn't make it." Penelope tenses up. "I'm sorry, sweetie, but you're parents... we can't find them anywhere here, which means..."

Tears form in Penny's eyes. "They're dead." She finishes. She brings her hand up to cover her mouth, and takes a step back from Thea.

"I'm really sorry. Legally..." The rest of her phrase is drowned out by the beating of Penny's heart in her head. The world around suddenly became quiet, and it was the only thing she could hear. The woman continued to speak, but Penelope was oblivious to everything she was saying. Her parents were dead. The people who had brought her into her home, and raised her as their own were gone.

Thea sends one last smile to Penelope; a sympathetic one. She walks off, and Penny lets her tears fall. She feels a hand on her shoulder, and turns around to see Zach standing there. "I'm sorry." He says. Without hesitation, she pulls hi, into a hug.

"There's nothing I could've done." She sobs into his chest. "If I'd been with them, I would've died."

A light hand is placed on the small of her back, and Penny takes a step back from Zach and walks turns right into Claire's welcoming arms. Claire rubs the girl's back soothingly. "Shh, shh. It's okay."

"No it's not." Penny hides her face in the crook of Claire's neck. "I don't know where to go now."

"Come with me."

Penny backs up to look at the redhead. "Really?" Claire nods. "Thank you so much." Penny exhales, hugging Claire again. After hugging the older woman for a few seconds, Penny pulls back and turns to face Zach and a blonde woman; his mother. She wipes her tears quickly, hoping to make herself look more presentable. "Hi, I'm Penny." She offers her hand out to shake, and Karen shakes it.

"Im Karen, Zach and Gray's mom." Suddenly, Karen pulls Penny into a hug. "I'm very sorry, sweetie." She sniffs. "Thank you fo taking care of my boys."

Penny hesitantly wraps her arms around the woman. "It went both ways. Zach actually saved me from drowning."

Karen's girl tightens around Penny. "Well, that's wonderful."

Zach takes a couple steps forward, and grabs onto her mother's arm. "Mom, I think she's good." Karen takes a step back, letting go of Penny, and she misses the feeling of Karen's arms around her. It felt like her mother was hugging her.

"Penny, get ready to go." Claire calls out.

Penny nods and hugs Zach one last time. "Thank you, for everything," Zach's arms wrap around her small waist, and her arms tighten around him. "Once I get settled down with your aunt, would you like to hang out?"

Zach pulls back, surprised. "Are you asking me on a date?"

Penny shrugs. "We met today, so I'd like to take it slow... so maybe we can just hang out as friends first."

Zach nods. "I'd like that."

"Okay then," She nods. "I'll see you."

Getting in step with Claire, they walk to catch up with Owen and Callie. "First, we need to get some of my stuff from my house." She says, tears forming in her eyes again as she thinks of her home, filled with objects which will only remind her of her parents.

"Hey, I'll take good care of you. Don't worry." Claire throws her arm around Penny's shoulder.

"What do you wanna do now?" They head Owen ask Clementine in front of the .

Before Callie can answer, Penny and Claire join her side. "I guess I'm coming with you guys." The blonde teen says.

Callie looks between Claire and Penny. "Legally-"

"I'll sort it out." Claire interrupts.

"So, where are we going?" Owen asks.

"Who knows." Claire shrugs.

"No itinerary?" Owen teases.

"First," Callie interrupts. "I need medical attention."

Happy Endings / 𝐳. 𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora