Chapter 7

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"Ok so tell me what the hell is going on!" Jughead demanded. He was becoming frustrated at everyone's hesitation and wanted someone to just speak up instead of staying silent while he is left in the unknown.

"Remember when we where in high school and there were investigators and cops at my house?" Archie asked. Jughead began to slowly nod, confused as to why the memory had anything to do with Betty.

"Yeah, but you said your dad's business was being scammed. How is that related to the Blackhood?"

"I lied. The real reason was that I was getting calls was because I have a connection to Riverdale.....and Betty." Archie continued his vague explanations which just left Jughead even more puzzled. Veronica groaned loudly and turned towards the main person in the room.

"Betty, can I just tell him how your connected to this nightmare of a man?" Veronica was growing tired of the suspense the redhead was building. She knew how to handle heavy information and giving it out was just as simple, if not easier.

Betty quietly nodded.

"He's her dad. He blackmailed her, almost killed her,cut her off from any outside interactions, and he also called Archie because he knew Betty told him about the calls, and now this man, who we are all connected to due to our friendship with Betty, is loose." Veronica quickly spoke in one intake of air. Rip it off like a band aid was her thought process ever since the two appeared in the front door.

Jughead sat there in silence trying to comprehend all this information he was just given. He looked up at Betty and saw her looking down with emotion vacant on her face. She was clenching her fists so hard they turned five shades lighter in comparison to her tanned skin from working in the blazing sun and scorching heat the past few days.

Unbeknownst to the boss not that far away from her, that was her old stress outlet that she unfortunately returned to. She could feel the scars on her palms created in high school begin to ache. She hated that Hal still had this power over her. She hasn't seen him in years yet he could make her go back to her old habits that took her ages to get over.

"I doubt he'll be able to get out of the country without being caught. Your safe with me Betts." Jughead said in a soft caring voice. He considered himself socially awkward so comforting people wasn't his strongest quality. He also had no clue what to say to her. He just found out that the woman he thought had the perfect childhood actually went through literal hell and survived. Jughead would usually ignore people's feelings and run away to save himself, but with Betty he wanted to hold her close until she felt completely safe.

"What if he knows somone who could get him through all of the security to travel here? Oh my god. I still need to call Mom and Polly." Betty was growing more fearful each second. The countless, frightening possibilities of Hal finding her were flying through her mind a mile a minute.

Right then, her phone rang. She picked it up and looked at the contact name. It was her older sister, Polly. Polly, as collected as she could, told Betty she was safe and with their mother. Once Hal escaped, they got placed under witness protection. Right after she hung up with Polly, the phone rang again. This time with the contact Mom Home.

She forgot who the number belonged to and almost refused the call. She realized who it might as she slowly pressed the green button, accepting the call. She quickly put it on speaker as soon as the screen popped up that allowed her to do so.

"Hello, Betty."

Betty almost collapsed again at the all to familiar voice that filled her trailer.

"Did you miss me?"


So Like said in the last chapter I have no clue when we will be updating because of school work. Also I have track and dance. Anyway hang in there. Hopefully you liked this chapter since the plot is picking up. If you did please vote and comment. - jones_13_


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