That's A Promise

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Later that night, Stevie's eyes were wrapped again in fresh bandages. Her eyes were still sensitive so, this gave her eyes a rest.

Sara had gone back to visit Stevie and she had brought her some flowers. She then laid next to Stevie on the hospital bed and spoke to her.

Stevie was so excited to see her baby girl. She was anxious for the moment she would be able to get a good look at Sara.

When Sara left that night, since Don was her husband, he came back to gloat over the failed operation.

Stevie had to act as if the things Don was saying bothered her. She wasn't an actress but she was so focused and determined to keep up with the act that she couldn't see, so she could take Don down.

Once Don saw tears coming from Stevie's bandages, he smiled then left. He went to the pub and to have some celebratory drinks.

Stevie heard him leave; her other senses were still strong. So, she could hear Don's heavy foot falls fading away down the hallway. When she knew Don had gone, she sighed heavily and laid her head back.

"Lindsey...please give me some strength. I want to get my life back and I want our daughter back." Stevie said softly. "I want to get justice for you. Don will pay for taking you away from me." She stopped speaking for a moment as she prayed silently.

After a moment of silence, Stevie says. "I love you, Linds."

Stevie then fell asleep thinking for a better tomorrow.

The next day, Stevie was released from the hospital. Don picked her up and took her home. He got her settled in her room then left to look in on the vineyard. She had to wear sunglasses for a few days so her eyes could adjust.

Don questioned it and asked Robert why she had to wear the sunglasses if she couldn't see. Robert replied with some medical terms and Don got upset and asked to be told in non medical talk. So Robert replied saying that Stevie had to wear them because the surgery that was performed this time was much more aggressive. Also that it would protect her eyes from anymore damage. Don was finally semi satisfied with that answer and didn't question it anymore.

Once the door closed in her bedroom, Stevie took off her sunglasses and took in her surroundings. She smiled when she looked around her room. Her eyes were still sensitive but she pushed through the discomfort to look around.

It looked exactly the same as she remembered it. Of course it had a few new things that she had decorated over the years but still much the same.

She still couldn't believe that she was actually seeing again. She took in everything around her room. Tears of joy rolling down her cheeks.

She wished she still had Lindsey's picture so she could look at it for the first time in seventeen years. She still didn't know where the photo has went to.

Some time later, Sara had come over and knocked on Stevie's door.

"Who is it?" She asked.
"Aunt Stevie, it's Sara!" Sara said.

Stevie took a deep breath and concentrated on a certain spot in her room.

"Come in, sweet girl." Stevie said after gaining control of her eyes. She just stared straight ahead.

Sara walked into the room and she rushed over to Stevie's side. She sat on the bed next to Stevie and said. "I'm so glad you are home!"

Stevie's heart picked up speed, beating fast. she could see Sara out of her peripheral vision. She wanted so badly to look at Sara fully.

"Aunt Stevie?" Sara asked as she moved to stand in front of Stevie. She bent down a bit to look at Stevie right in her eyes.

Stevie continued to not react. But on the inside she was blown away by Sara's beauty.

She saw how much Sara looked like her with hints of Lindsey. Especially his eyes. How no one questioned the fact that they looked alike was beyond her.

Tears rolled down her cheeks feeling so much happiness that she was able to see her little girl for the first time in seventeen years.

"Aunt Stevie, are you okay?" Sara asked worriedly.
"I...I'm just fine, sweet girl." Stevie said. "I just...I thought this surgery would work this time. I wish I could see what you look like."

Sara hugged Stevie and Stevie hugged her back and sobbed.

"I'm sorry it didn't work Aunt Stevie." Sara said. "I was praying really hard that it would work."
"It's okay, my sweet girl." Stevie said. "I'll be okay. I just need some time to pass to be really be over it. Anyway, how was your day?"

Sara pulled away and sat back down next to Stevie. Stevie continued to look straight ahead and listened to Sara tell her about her day.

As she listened she wiped her tears away and smiled. She finally saw her baby girl. She looked so beautiful and she was just how she imagined, maybe even more.

Sara stayed with Stevie until Stevie began to feel tired. She wanted to take a nap. It was long day for Stevie, so Sara gave her a hug and a kiss then said she would see her later for dinner.

When the door closed, Stevie sighed and said. "Oh Lindsey! Our daughter is so beautiful. I can't believe we made her." She sighed again then took a deep breath and let it out. "It's time I took charge of my life again. Soon, Don will no longer control me. That's a promise."

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