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Brian took over Stevie while Sara rushed to the kitchen for a glass of water and a cool wash cloth.

Brian gently laid Stevie down on the sofa and checked her vitals. Sara rushed back to living room and handed the wash cloth to Brian. She placed the glass of water on the coffee table and concentrated on the scene before her.

She was worried for her aunt Stevie. Sara knew that Stevie and Robert had become close friends.

Brian gently wiped Stevie's face with the cool cloth hoping the cool water will help wake Stevie up. He then gently tapped her cheeks and said. "Aunt Stevie, can you wake up for me?"

Stevie stirred and slowly regained consciousness. She opened her eyes and what Brian just revealed came rushing back to her.

"Brian..." she said as she sat up. Brian tried to get her to lay back down but she pushed his hands away. She sat up and continued. "Please tell me it's not true! Please tell me it was just a bad dream!" Tears began to roll down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry, Aunt Stevie but it wasn't a dream." Brian said sadly as his own tears rolled down his cheeks.

Brian was heartbroken because he lost his mentor. Not only was Robert Brian's mentor, Brian had looked up to Robert and Robert had become a father figure to him.

Stevie broke down and sobbed. She cried loudly into her hands. She felt so heartbroken as well. This heartbreak was much worse than she has experienced. Yes, losing Lindsey was just as bad. But this time around it felt worse because Stevie thought for sure Robert was her happy ending.

Barbara was coming downstairs for a glass of water when she heard Stevie sobbing. Barbara rushed to living room and saw her daughter sobbing into her hands.

"Teedee, what's wrong?" Barbara said as she rushed to Stevie's side. Sara decided to move out of the way so Barbara could comfort Stevie.

Barbara sat down beside Stevie and wrapped her arms around her daughter. Stevie hugged her mother tightly and sobbed into her chest. Stevie couldn't speak, so Brian broke the news to Barbara.

Barbara closed her eyes and held Stevie a bit tighter. Her heart broke for her little girl. When was her daughter ever going to catch a break?!

Sara cried along with Stevie. She could see how heartbroken her godmother was. She wished she could take the pain away from her.

After a while, Brian saw how pale Stevie and suggested she go lay down.

At this point, Stevie was emotionally drained. She felt such pain in her heart it was unbearable.

"Go lay down and I'll come check your vitals before bed." Brian said gently. All Stevie did was nod.

Barbara and Sara then guided her to the bedroom and helped her into bed. Stevie just let them guide her. She was incapable of doing anything herself at the moment.

She had stopped sobbing and was now crying silently. Tears still rolling down her cheeks.

Stevie wanted to go to sleep and forget. Barbara decided not to leave Stevie alone, so she laid beside her daughter while Sara laid on the other side of Stevie.

Stevie laid her head on her mother's chest and began to sob some more. She didn't say anything. She just cried.

Her stomach began to churn from crying so hard. She sat up from the bed and breathed in and out.

Barbara knew what was about to happen so she quickly stood up from the bed and guided Stevie to the bathroom.

Sara sat up on the bed and began to wring her hands nervously. Brian walked into the room and asked where Stevie was. Sara replied that she was in the bathroom.

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