Just around the Corner

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I woke up super early, I wanted to make an effort today.

I washed my face and brushed my hair, and then curled it slightly at the ends.

"Where you off to sweetie?" My mom said, she was stood by the door of the bathroom with a worried expression on her face.

"Oh sorry, I forgot to tell you, Kyanna invited me to go shopping with her!" She frowned a little and then began to speak

"Well, you can go... But just be safe"

I pulled her into a hug, and she rested her head in the crook of my neck. My mom was a strong person, but she got weak from time to time. When daddy died, she just wanted for me to be safe.

We was all weak, both me and mom, but we found ways to deal with it, to get a little stronger. At school was the worst time for me, no one understood, even I didn't understand myself.

"Have a nice time honey" my mom said, as she sniffled away the upcoming tears.

"I will"

I went into my bedroom and searched through my wardrobe stuffed with clothes.

I picked out some high waisted shorts, that were slightly frayed at the bottom, and were ripped at the top a little so you could see a bit of my thigh.

I looked through the clothes to try and find a crop top because it was so hot today, and I finally found a really cute gingham pink crop and slid it on.

I did my make up really quick, it was 10:45, I had 15 minutes!

I hardly ever wear makeup, but today I wanted to make an effort.

*15 minutes later*

"Hey Willow!"

After waiting for her at the entrance of Wendy's for like what it seemed a year, she finally arrived.

I turned around to see her in a cute little sundress and some black vans on her tiny feet.

"You look beautiful Ky" I beamed at her and pulled her into a hug

" and so do you! Jesus when did you turn into a hot mama" I laughed at her as she tried to act sassy, waving her arms about like a uncontrollable octopus.

"So we going shopping? Or nah?" She clicked her tongue before she said "or nah" and I looked at her confused.

" it's a vine thing hunny" Ky replied, walking to the entrance of the mall.

We walked in, it was crammed with tons of people, mostly girls. We waded through everyone and started going to all our favourite shops.

"We need to go Victorias Secret! It has a sale!" Kyanna screeched, pulling on my arm,dragging me into the most cliche shop ever.

I stared at all the underwear and bras they had, they were pretty, but really expensive, I looked over at Kyanna and saw that she had tons of sets of underwear over her arm

" how many have you got Ky?"

She glanced over at me and put up four fingers as she was searching through the rails of the "SALE" rack.

I shook my head and laughed, and as I looked up, Angelica was stood right infront of me.

She had tons of clothes in her hands, and she was wearing a pink dress with ridiculous pink heels.

"Oh look who it is! Willow the Wallflower!" She laughed at her own joke, how sad.

I smiled sarcastically at her and said " you know Angelica, your name isn't so true about yourself, your not an angel, and you certainly don't look like one either"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2014 ⏰

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