🎵getting to know you🎵

21 0 4

Tagged by livisdancingunicorns

1. I'm British
2. im weird
3. im bad at updating (bet you knew that one)
4. It is so hard for me to come up with story ideas
5. I lOVE Hamilton
6. My favourite show is Gravity Falls
7. Bill Cipher is amazing
8. Lin-manuel Miranda is my idol
9. I gave up geography for history
10. The first proper musical I was part of  was ' jesus Christ superstar '.

I am tagging
1. lydia-hibberd
2. Violet954
9.anyone reading this as I guarantee it is not many
10. Also it's not my fault I don't have 28 friends on this site okay I'm sorry.

Joke time:
Why do seagulls fly over the sea?
Because if they flew over the bay they would be bagels...
Ha comedy

Hey guys guess what this story really isn't going anywhere so this is more of a play around page now .
If you really want a spoiler and , you've probably guessed this already , but jack is turning into anti.

Great now have fun and tell me if you want me to do anything specific here or anything like this again.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2019 ⏰

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