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1. This is an individual RP, don't butt into other people's RPs.

2. Don't tag me every 20 seconds. Or send '.' Or '?' I won't respond.

3. Don't get sassy if I don't accept your character. If I find them too overpowered I won't accept them.

4. Let's not have three billion sons of Loki-
I mean, I love me some Loki but-

5. Please don't be OP or anything. Or control my character. It doesn't make my job easy.

6. Please be semi literate? It means a lot to me to have at least 3 sentences, so that I know how to respond to this stuff.

7. Please don't worry about being active!

8. LGBTQ is most definitely welcome here! No racism, homophobia, transphobia, or anything of the like is tolerated here.

9. Infinity War doesn't count to the timeline so don't worry, and I haven't watched every movie, so please be patient if I don't understand something from a specific movie. I just really like the ones I've watched and stuff so I wanted to make one of these.

10. Violence is cool here, as well as cursing. And honestly, smut? A timeskip is fine, but I'll go as far as clothes off and then I'll ask for a timeskip.

11. What haven't I covered-
Hmm... Oh! I don't mind if your character is depressed or anything, just don't have them trying to commit suicide every three seconds. Thank you :}

12. If you wanna talk outside the RP, talk in brackets!

13. Hmm, think that about covers it! Hope you have fun!

Hopeful Souls // An Individual Avengers Next Gen RPWhere stories live. Discover now