Man Of Steel

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"I will never let you watch me fall

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"I will never let you watch me fall."

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Full Name-
Aleksander (Alec) Ryan Stark


February 24th, 1998




Tony Stark, no one knows his mother

None, he's just a beast of an engineer like his father, but some believe he has the ability to manipulate metal... no one knows how though.



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He looked like his father as a child, and now he looks like his mother's brother haha-

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He looked like his father as a child, and now he looks like his mother's brother haha-

Alec isn't a very open guy, often keeping to himself and giving others the cold shoulder. He doesn't like attention, mostly because he wasn't raised with constant attention. He can be seen as aggressive and this attitude scares people away. He wishes only to be cared about.
But that never happened for him. He is just kinda around most of the time, keeping his thoughts to himself as he roams through places that really probably need him. He feels trapped below the superior shadow of his father's success, and can't seem to realize he could make a name for himself. But other than this depressed side, he is a kind man whom only wants to do the best for people. He has the heart of an artist, and finds creative ways to get everything done.

He seems to be most attracted to art supplies and warm places, as well as chocolate. He also quite enjoys romance movies and novels, mostly making fun of the movies, but does actually enjoy the books. He also enjoys people whom actually seem to care or know he exists. He also quite likes fires, small ones at least, like fireplaces. And to everyone's surprise, he actually likes personal contact and chores. He also doesn't seem to mind the other children.

He doesn't enjoy the company of his father, or his mother frankly. He prefers they leave him be like they always have. He hates inclosed spaces and sustaining life threatening injuries. He despises the thought of dying before he's done something of value to the world, which he never seems to realize he's already done enough. He dislikes being called quiet or introvert, he just doesn't doesn't like to talk. He doesn't like to talk because he can't trust that someone will actually listen. He's not a big fan of ramen, after choking on a noodle or two when with some friends {he still laughs about it every time he sees ramen but doesn't eat it}.

Theme Song-

Relationship Status-

A pit bull named Macy that he saved as a puppy.



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Make a scenario and RP!

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Make a scenario and RP!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2019 ⏰

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