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As the highway grew shorter and Courtney's house grew closer, the texts, phone calls, and social media messages did not stop coming in. Seas of "Jesus Christ, get to a shelter!" and "Are you okay?" became the only thing our phones were capable of producing. Kyra, while on the phone with her parents, who were just as concerned as the next, revealed new information.
    "Did you even hear what the issue is? We're literally being invaded! Like a Goddamn science fiction movie!" Her mother, Nan, yelled threw the speaker.
    "Wait, what?" I yelled, swerving the car.
    "Yes! Every channel is just news reporters telling us the small amounts of updates they have! It's literal, like, actual, aliens!" Her father, Jay, butt in.
    "No way, you're kidding, this is fake, they're lying to us!" I said, almost in tears. Just as my emotions were being thrown out of my mouth, Courtney's car slammed on her brakes. I, of course, did the same to refrain from hitting her. Courtney's brunette hair was seen flailing from the seat of her car. She, suddenly, tossed her driver's side door open and sprinted to my car. She got in the backseat and the minute the both of us turned around, we noticed the tears running down her face.
    "Dad, I'll call you as soon as I get to Courtney's house and we get our minds together. I love you and Mom. Please, be safe." Kyra said, a few tears streaming down her own face.
    "Court, what happened?" We asked her, pulling off to the side of the road and turning our hazard lights on.
    "There's something over there! It just ran in front of me! I swear to God, I don't know what in the Hell it was, I'm so scared, I've never seen anything like it! It looks like some creature out of Stargate!" She said on one single breath.
    "Oh, my God, why in the Hell does it have to be raining right now?" I said, clutching the door handle. "Is anyone else coming with me?"
    "What the Hell?" Kyra asked, more to herself than not. As we both opened our doors, it felt like our entire world was in slow motion.
    "Court, the car is still running. Climb into the driver's seat, and if I tell you to, then drive." I said, making sure to look her in the eye. The girl nodded along with my orders, and once I stepped out, she climbed over the center console and prepared to drive, muttering profanities under her breath.
    "Are you ready?" I asked Kyra, who was just stepping out of the car.
    "As ready as I'll ever be."
    The Stargate-looking thing was, to say the least, morbid. It looked as if it had just crawled out of Hell to give us a message that it was here to kill us. The creature, though small, had eyes that covered the head due to their large size, and none of us would be able to tell if it was small or if it was going to grow anymore. The feet, however, that came out of that thing looked like they needed two pairs of clown shoes to cover them. The thing hissed at us, much like a cat, but deeper, more gutheral.
    "Jesus H. Christ," I started. "What in the-" I was cut off by the sounds of thunder and the now jet-black sky lighting up like fireworks.
    "Is it, is it limping? Like, is it able to move?" Kyra asked, backing up as much as she could while still having the ability to see it.
    "I don't know!" I yelled, barely  able to hear myself over the thunder.
    "Should we call someone?" She yelled to me.
    I thought for a second before the creature hissed again, this time trying its best to claw at my feet. My immediate reaction, though stupid, was to kick it. A soft growl came from it, but turned away from us. I noticed as my foot came back, a long, slimy strand of black sludge was attached to it. That scared us more than the creature. I motioned for Kyra to follow me back to the car, now realizing that the thing was injured and wasn't going to do anything to us at the moment.
    "What was it?" Courtney asked, calmed down a lot from what she previously was. I grabbed old clothes from my backseat for Kyra and I to sit on, hoping it would save my leather seats a little bit, even though it should be the least of my worries.
    "I'm sure no cop is going to make it out here quickly, and they're probably to concerned about other things to worry about just one of these things," I pondered out loud. "If only there was someone who wanted to be a cop, is stationed in the middle of nowhere, and never had anything important going on." I asked the other girls.
    "Oh, my God! Call a DNR officer!" Courtney yelled.
    The phone call with the DNR officer was painfully slow, especially since we were still blocking the road, but we were sure no one else was going to make the same mistake we were and drive away from their house.
    "No, yea, I totally understand. Well, what good is it gonna do for you to come down here just to observe the situation? Are you so Goddamn incapable of doing anything about it? Is there anyone else I can talk to? Well, there a damn alien on the road, and you really think this calls for procedure? Go to Hell, I'll take care of it myself." I said, slamming my finger down on the "end call" button.
    "Okay, well, that was intense. What are we supposed to do now?" Kyra said, trying to calm herself. Even though it was dark out, we were still able to see the outline of the thing on the road.
    "Well, if that dumb prick isn't going to do anything, put your seatbelt on. Courtney, go get in your car and start on your way home. Make sure the doors are locked, but prepare to open the garage door for me. I'm going to take care of this bullshit." I said, my face getting red from the anger. Without saying anything against it, she got out and sprinted to her car. Kyra and I waited for Courtney to get down the road before she said anything.
    "What do you plan on-," Before she could finish, I threw the car into drive. I stepped on the gas and grasped Kyra, pulling the "soccer mom hand save" on her. The car gradually sped up until it hit the 60 mph mark. I turned my brights on and found the little thing, still struggling to move too far.
    "Hold on," I told her before hitting the thing head on. My truck shook and rattled and spun around twice before I could straighten myself out again.
    "What just happened?" Kyra asked, clearly shocked.
    "I'm not sure, but I'm praying to God it's dead." I replied. Little did we know, that's the opposite of what was true.

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