The Battle

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    "Did you hear that?" Courtney asked, as if none of us had ears. Neither Kyra nor I answered her. I grabbed the closest, densest object I could find. Old fashioned, wooden puzzles that belonged to Courtney's brothers. Loud sounds of pounding came from above the stairs, and the entire house was shaking.
    "Oh, my God, uhm, okay. Kyra, uh, take one of the boy's toy bats. Courtney, uhm, take another puzzle. I think we're actually going to have to fight them off." I said, stuttering, trying to stay calm in any way that I could. They followed the orders that were given and they took the bat and puzzle. I motioned for them to follow me up the stairs, knowing that it didn't matter how quiet we were at this point, but we were working with pure adrenaline. The entire house was still shaking. As we made our way to the top of the stairs, the horror scene was revealed.
    All around the house was the more wretched scene of black monsters, walking and tearing through everything, as if they were looking for something and they didn't know how to start.
    "Can they see us?" Kyra asked, wondering what we were all thinking.
    I took one for the team. I moved my hand in front of the stairs and they didn't budge. I then turned the light on. Everyone of them lost their minds. They were shaking and screaming and bouncing and running everywhere.
    "You really went and did it!" Courtney said, preparing for the worst.
    "Well, if they can't see us, and can only sense us, we're just gonna have to move quietly." I said, raising my puzzle board.
    "Are you really going to go slam some aliens with a children's puzzle?" Kyra asked, preparing her baseball bat.
    "If that's what it takes."
    I made my way from the landing to the top part of the stairs. The growling and running stopped, and all of their heads turned to me. They began to inch closer, and I wasn't going to have any of it. I motioned for Kyra to go through with her baseball bat. She inched forward and leapt across the railing.
     "I was never good at sports." She said to herself before she slammed the bat down on the alien. Now, not to sound graphic, but this is completely graphic. The head of the alien completely exploded and, what I am assuming was their equivalent of blood, splattered all over the walls. Nothing was left of its head as the remains were all over the walls and our clothes.
    "Holy crap!" Courtney said, unsure if it was in reaction to the now dead mutant in her living room or the heard of them coming towards us. I raised my hands, moving the puzzle board with them, and slammed them down on three of the aliens at once. Nothing was left of them, either, besides a large amount of blood on Courtney's floor.
    Courtney looked at the way Kyra and I were killing the animal-like beings and she followed in our footsteps. The sounds coming out of their bodies were like nothing we had ever heard previously. It was the loudest moan-type of guttural sound, ending in a wail that sounded like it came from the mouth of a baby fox. The entire house began to rattle even more when we had killed one of the larger ones. Aliens from far and wide began to make their way to the house, coming from the woods, the streets, and even from downstairs. Nothing was sacred in this house, anymore, and lamps, along with kitchen knives and plates, were being thrown by myself, Kyra, and Courtney in efforts to make these beasts stay away.
    This looked promising. From every angle, we were able to pound these little things into the ground. The bad part, though? They never stopped coming. We were able to handle all of them, but they didn't stop coming. There were entire herds of black goblins running towards us at every which angle and we began to feel tired.
    "Don't freaking stop!" Kyra yelled, noticing I was getting tired.
    "Wouldn't dream of it!" I yelled back, lying to myself and my friends.
    I closed my eyes for a moment and moved my head to glance at the clock, all while fighting off the aliens.
    "3:24 AM," I thought to myself. "The witching hour, I guess." I shouldn't have let myself get distracted. A swarm of beasts hurled their bodies at me and made their ways to Courtney and Kyra. I could barely hear what they had to say to me through the ruckus of the aliens, with their claws grabbing at us and their blood, sticking like a cement on top of all of our bodies.
    "I don't think we can win this," I said, to no one in particular. "I really wish I could be more positive!"
    "Shut up! We can do this!" Kyra said, mainly to herself, I'm assuming.
    "Can we though? I don't know if you realize, but-" Courtney was cut off. One of the aliens had made their way to the counter and covered Courtney's mouth.
    "No!" Kyra yelled, turning her body to the hostage scene, adding to it with her own body being caught.
    "Don't you fu-" and just like that, with a swift blow to my neck, I was out.

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