What 20 things?

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1.       I love art and books. I’d get my fingers and face dirty with paint for all I care. Take me to the mall, and you’d find me making a beeline for the bookstore instead of the clothing section. Take me for a whole day in an art gallery or library, and you’d find me smiling all day.

2.       I am a nerd. I’d research stuff if it makes me curious enough.  I graduated from a pre-med course and have a huge appreciation for the intricacies of science.

3.       I went to the college of my dreams when I was 15. Sometimes I wish I went to college when I was older. But then again, I’m just glad I’ve graduated already. ;)  

4.   Step into my room, and you’d hear music playing all day.  Alternative rock, punk, indie, epic instrumentals, gospel music...If I named a band I “fan-girl” over, people usually won’t be familiar with them. 

5.       My friends would describe me as a happy introvert. But when serious work needs to be done, I could be the happy extrovert.

6.       I love stories. A lot. Enough said. 

7.       Surprise me with cupcakes, and I’ll hug you tight.  Cupcakes are my dreams come true!

8.       I have a heart for special children. They’re definitely different. They can definitely be a handful. But they’ve definitely taught me to be a better person.

9.       The doctor said I’m allergic to a lot of things—dust particles,  too much milk, too much nuts, too much shrimp, too much pork, too much beef, dog hair. And alcoholic drinks.

10.   I think I’m allergic to  arrogant  snobs too. But hey, I'd get some anti-histamine for better understanding, and I’d love to get to know them more. (Sometimes they're the saddest people on the planet anyway.)

11.   I’m a homebody.  Sometimes I feel like a cat. I’d rather sleep all day or go on my merry way. I’m NOT a hermit though. At the end of a tiring week, I’d rather be in the arms of close friends. They’re the homebody types too.  

12.   Speaking of cats, I have three at home. 

13.   I still want to have a dog! Next to children and cats, puppies are one of the most adorable things for me.

14.   Most of the themes I write about are based on experience.   

15.   I know I’m like an iceberg. On the outside, I look pretty simple. On this inside…there’s a deeper world of  experiences and dreams. I’m still diving in explore more of it.

16.   I’d rather possess a positive outlook on life. There’s too much to be thankful for. So much to be happy for. It sucks to miss out on those little things.

17.   Yes, Hope is my anchor.

18.   I dislike it when people judge/condemn others just because they’re different—just because they have different beliefs, appearances, or life stories. We’ll go down to dust the same way, breathe the same air,  bear the same scars.   Humans are inherently and equally priceless. Get over the bashing...it really doesn't help anyone. 

19.   Sure, I’ve bore brokenness before. But God’s love has been changing a lot of that.

20.   If Hope is my anchor, Love is my reason. It’s why I know life is worth living. :)

20 Things About Me (And Other Random Stuff)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt